The Auckland Museum is committed to providing open access to our collection - approximately one million objects including natural science specimens, cultural collections, archives, a research library and the Cenotaph database.
We provide multiple entry points into our data
Web interface : Search the collections at or Online Cenotaph
CSV export button : Found on the search results and individual record pages this function allows you to access a simplified version of the data about our records that can be viewed and studied in any standard database software.
Json and Json-ld data via the API : A rest-ish style interface into the data that allows searches and access to the media associated with the objects. Please read more about how to use this tool via our Online Collections API Wiki, along with our Cenotaph API Wiki.
Sparql endpoint : A linked data search system that allows complex queries against the entire data-set (FOR CENOTAPH DATA ONLY).
Data exports: Selected data exports available for free download on Github.
This data release is made available to developers under the Auckland Museum API Terms of Use for non commercial use. Auckland Museum encourages creative use of the API web services. Keep in touch, we'd love to hear how you're using this data.