The Four-Year Planner is designed to streamline class planning for CS and CSE majors at UCLA. Users land on a login page, where they have the option to log in, sign up, or reset password. Once logged in, users can select and map out their schedules, with the option to customize the length of their degrees.
Prerequisites NodeJS LTS v18.14.0
- Install nvm on your machine
- run
nvm install v18.14.0
- run
nvm use
- Run
npm install
in the working directory to install required packages - Reference
and create your own.env
file - Run
npm run start
to start the server on localhost
├─ assets/
├─ components/
│ ├─ ExampleComponent/
│ │ ├─ ExampleComponent.tsx
│ │ ├─ index.ts
├─ constants/
├─ pages/
│ ├─ Home/
│ │ ├─ Home.tsx
│ │ ├─ index.ts
├─ utils/
│ ├─ hooks/
│ ├─ contexts/
│ ├─ miscellaneous.ts