A simple particle simulation with randomized rules.
Particles of each color move towards or away from other colors, creating unusual and almost life-like patterns.
For the new and improved Rust version see https://github.com/AugLuk/particles
Running this project inside Processing IDE allows inspecting the code and modifying the variables.
- Make sure you have Processing 3.5.4 installed. Later versions might work as well.
- Download the source code from the releases page or by cloning this repo.
- Click on the file sketch.pde inside the src/sketch directory to open the project with Processing IDE.
- Click "Run" or ctrl-R inside the IDE.
Windows only - if you don't have the Java 8 runtime installed, you can download it here.
- Go to the project's releases page and click on the latest version.
- Download the compressed file particles_[version]_[platform].
- Extract the files in the location of choice and double click on sketch (Linux) or sketch.exe (Windows) to run it.
Each time the program is run, a new ruleset and new particles are randomly generated.
Based on the video Particle Life - A Game of Life Made of Particles by CodeParade.