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This repository contains tools relevant for training and evaluating anomaly detection algorithms on CMS DQM data. Core code is contained in autodqm_ml, core scripts are contained in scripts and some helpful examples are in examples. See the README of each subdirectory for more information on each.


1. Clone repository

git clone 
cd AutoDQM_ML

2. Install dependencies

Dependencies are listed in environment.yml and installed using conda. If you do not already have conda set up on your system, you can install (for linux) with:

curl -O -L
bash -b

You can then set conda to be available upon login with

~/miniconda3/bin/conda init # adds conda setup to your ~/.bashrc, so relogin after executing this line

Once conda is installed and set up, install dependencies with (warning: this step may take a while)

conda env create -f environment.yml -p <path to install conda env>

Some packages cannot be installed via conda or take too long and need to be installed with pip (after activating your conda env above):

pip install yahist
pip install tensorflow==2.5

Note: if you are running on lxplus, you may run into permissions errors, which may be fixed with:

chmod 755 -R /afs/<your_user_name>/.conda

and then rerunning the command to create the conda env. The resulting conda env can also be several GB in size, so it may also be advisable to specify the installation location in your work area if running on lxplus, i.e. running the conda env create command with -p /afs/

3. Install autodqm-ml

Install with:

pip install -e .

Once your setup is installed, you can activate your python environment with

conda activate autodqm-ml

Note: CMSSW environments can interfere with conda environments. Recommended to unset your CMSSW environment (if any) by running

eval `scram unsetenv -sh`

before attempting installation and each time before activating the conda environment.

Development Guidelines


Please comment code following this convention from sphinx.

In the future, sphinx can be used to automatically generate documentation pages for this project.


Logging currently uses the Python logging facility together with rich (for pretty printing) to provide useful information printed both to the console and a log file (optional).

Two levels of information can be printed: INFO and DEBUG. INFO level displays a subset of the information printed by DEBUG level.

A logger can be created in your script with

from autodqm_ml.utils import setup_logger
logger = setup_logger(<level>, <log_file>)

And printouts can be added to the logger with:<message>) # printed out only in INFO level
logger.debug(<message>) # printed out in both INFO and DEBUG levels

It is only necessary to explicit create the logger with setup_logger once (likely in your main script). Submodules of autodqm_ml should initialize loggers as:

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

If a logger has been created in your main script with setup_logger, the line logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) will automatically detect the existing logger and inherit its settings (print-out level and log file).

Some good rules of thumb for logging: # important & succint info that user should always see
logger.debug # less important info, or info that will have many lines of print-out
logger.warning # for something that may result in unintended behavior but isn't necessarily wrong
logger.exception # for something where the user definitely made a mistake


To contribute anything beyond a minor bug fix or modifying documentation/comments, first check out a new branch:

git checkout -b my_new_improvement

Add your changes to this branch and push:

git push origin my_new_improvement

Finally, when you think it's ready to be included in the main branch create a pull request (if you push your changes from the command line, Github should give you a link that you can click to automatically do this.)

If you think the changes you are making might benefit from discussion, create an "Issue" under the Issues tab.

Studies of Large Data using ML

In order to obtain large data sets of SSE scores for histograms across a large number of runs (e.g. all data recorded in 2022), write up a data set config selecting the data file(s) from which to read the eos Prompt or Re-Reco files, and the set of runs of interest (with runs that are a priori known bad runs marked as such). Then select the histograms of interest using a histogram config file. Common use config files are found in the metadata directory. To fetch the data, run the command

python scripts/ --output_dir "data_fetched/pretraining" --contents "metadata/histogram_lists/myHistList.json" --datasets "metadata/dataset_lists/myDataSetList.json"

This may need to be run multiple times if using more than one data set e.g. Muon and SingleMuon (necessary for 2022 data) or Muon and JetMET (HLTPhysics is often a suitable replacement for these however) with a large number of (primarily 2D) histograms. The output .parquet file (named for each single data set or "allCollections" for more than one) is then fed to the training module, which is run for each algorithm to obtain a .csv file of SSE scores for all histograms and runs. These scores are calculated following training the algorithm on all the non-bad runs (as marked in the data-fetching stage), and are a Chi2-like measure of the difference between the original histogram and the histogram reconstructed by the algorithm according to the trained NN. This is done as follows:

python scripts/ --input_file "data_fetched/pretraining/myOutputFile.parquet" --output_dir "data_fetched/ae" --algorithm "autoencoder" --tag "myAutoencoder" --histograms "CSV-list-of-histos" --debug
python scripts/ --input_file "data_fetched/pretraining/myOutputFile.parquet" --output_dir "data_fetched/pca" --algorithm "pca" --tag "myPCA" --histograms "CSV-list-of-histos" --debug

Here, the full set or subset of histograms as feature in your myHistList.json file is entered as an argument and the data set family (e.g. L1T, or a subdetector e.g. Muon). A quick way to obtain this list is to run the command

python scripts/ -i metadata/histogram_lists/myHistList.json -d DATA_SET_FAMILY

FOR INDIVIDUAL HISTOGRAM/RUN ORIGINAL V RECO STUDIES: If interested in using the scripts/ macro to generate plots comparing original and reconstructed histogram distributions (i.e. the original assessment version of the repo), add the argument --reco_assess_plots True to the scripts/ stage to output a parquet file containing the relevant histogram information to do this. This is recommended for a subset of the runs fetched, and a subset of the histograms fetched, due to the exhaustive nature of generating the plots. A typical plotting assessment command for this would be

python scripts/ --output_dir "assess_data_trained" --input_file "data_fetched/ae/HLTPhysics.parquet" --histograms "CSV-list-of-histos" --algorithms "myAutoencoder" --runs "35XXXX,36XXXX" --debug

Three CSV files are produced in the training step: all contain the full set of runs and histograms in an array, alongside the algorithm, year of data production, and the flag corresponding to the goodness of the run. The integral (occupancy of the input histogram pre-normalisation) and the size (number of bins in the rebinned histogram) of each histogram is contained in each CSV.

The CSV files vary based on the metric used to evaluate the difference between the original and the reconstructed histogram: one contains the SSE score, and the SSE score multiplied by the size of the histogram; one contains the Chi2 and maximum pull values (with varying tolerance) as well as the original and reconstructed histogram arrays; and one contains the modified Chi2 metric, where the bias of such a measure is minimised based on studies using a L1T data sets as featured in the AutoDQM paper (pending).

The output CSV files from the training step are then processed to produce ROC curves, which measure the Mean number of Histogram Flags (per each algorithm) per good/bad run (the HF-ROC curve), and the Fraction of Runs with N histogram Flags (RF-ROC), where N = 1, 3, and 5 (although this is simple enough to change in the script). This can be done with the following script:

python scripts/ --input_file "data_fetched/ae/myOutputFile_test_ae_sse_scores.csv" --output_dir "data_fetched/assessment/"
python scripts/ --input_file "data_fetched/pca/myOutputFile_test_pca_sse_scores.csv" --output_dir "data_fetched/assessment/"

The end result is two plots per algorithm, one with the HF-ROC curve, and the other with the RF-ROC curve. In cases where the scores are to be combined, there is a template combiner script scripts/ which can plot output using the template scripts/ script.