Version for testing 8.9.0-test-3. Not for Production
96 commits
to develop
since this release
- Add - Add a popover to WooPayments to present all possible payment methods
- Add - Added persistent column visibility preferences for reporting tables, allowing merchants to customize and save their preferred table view layouts across sessions.
- Add - Add support for
. Any non-empty setting will force the plugin into development mode. - Add - Add wcpay_capture_error_amount_too_small error type and minimum amount details when capturing payments below the supported threshold.
- Add - Admin analytics page E2E tests for Playwright
- Add - Enable "Reader fee" type filtering for transactions list.
- Add - Show Bank reference key on top of the payout details page, whenever available.
- Fix - Add currency code to fee breakdown when multi-currency is enabled, and currencies share the same symbol.
- Fix - Added timestamp to the order note when terminal payment fails.
- Fix - fix: add payment method page query initialization - ensuring that the WP_Query is initialized when checking for payment methods availability
- Fix - fix: avoid ECE error when no address is provided on initialization
- Fix - Fix cart subtotal amount when manually renewing a subscription.
- Fix - Fixed fraud prevention token not available on blocks checkout
- Fix - Fix flaky Multi-Currency test.
- Fix - Fix global styling for popovers
- Fix - Fix guest users being able to buy subscriptions with WooPay via Direct Checkout.
- Fix - Fix incorrect payment method logos used on WooPayment Settings
- Fix - Fix the amounts in the Filter by Price block to reflect the shopper's selected currency.
- Fix - Pass theme editor footer and header styles to WooPay.
- Fix - Prevent potential fatal when initializing the WooPay express checkout button.
- Fix - Set a default minimum height to the WooPay button.
- Fix - Update gateway form fields references to prevent errors.
- Fix - Update set up live payments task list item copy
- Fix - WooPay blocks checkout terms and condition default text
- Update - Design improvements related to the overview page
- Update - feat: GooglePay/ApplePay refactor to leverage Store API is enabled by default. Please contact us if you encounter new issues with these buttons.
- Update - Improve loading experience in embedded KYC
- Update - Remove date format notice across all admin pages.
- Update - Removes Sofort payment method from settings and checkout, permanently deprecates Sofort from settings.
- Update - Replace payments overview page connection success notice with a modal for live accounts.
- Update - Simplify localization of CSV exports to use user language settings from WP Admin, allowing the CSV export to match the localization of the data presented in the admin UI.
- Update - Update the loader image for test account creation
- Update - Woo Colors and logos
- Dev - Add E2E environment variables to Playwright config.
- Dev - Add e2e tests for the multi-currency widget setup.
- Dev - Converted E2E merchant-progressive-onboarding spec from Puppeteer to Playwright.
- Dev - Convert merchant-orders-partial-refund spec from Puppeteer to Playwright.
- Dev - Convert merchant admin transactions E2E test to Playwright
- Dev - Convert order refund failure E2E tests to Playwright
- Dev - Convert shopper-checkout-purchase spec from Puppeteer to Playwright
- Dev - Convert shopper-multi-currency-widget spec from Puppeteer to Playwright
- Dev - Convert shopper checkout save card and purchase test to Playwright
- Dev - Convert shopper checkout with site editor theme spec to Playwright
- Dev - Convert shopper checkout with UPE methods E2E test to Playwright, split saving card tests to separate file
- Dev - Convert shopper free coupon checkout E2E test to Playwright
- Dev - Convert shopper purchase multiple subscriptions E2E tests to Playwright
- Dev - Convert Shopper WC Blocks saved card checkout and usage test to Playwright
- Dev - Convert the merchant orders status change spec from Puppeteer to Playwright.
- Dev - Convert the shopper-myaccount-payment-methods-add-fail spec from Puppeteer to Playwright.
- Dev - E2E Playwright Migration: convert Admin Disputes spec
- Dev - E2E Playwright Migration: convert Order Manual Capture spec
- Dev - E2E Playwright Migration: convert shopper-checkout-failures spec to Playwright and remove Puppeteer spec.
- Dev - E2E Playwright Migration: convert shopper-wc-blocks-checkout-purchase spec
- Dev - Enhance log file format to provide more information about the request flow.
- Dev - Fix flakiness in saved card tests caused by selling the same cart multiple times, triggering duplicate order protection
- Dev - Migrate merchant subscription settings spec to Playwright
- Dev - Migrate shopper subscription free-trial purchase E2E test to Playwright
- Dev - Migrate shopper subscriptions - No signup fee E2E test to Playwright
- Dev - Migrate the merchant subscriptions renew action scheduler spec from Puppeteer to Playwright.
- Dev - Migrate the Shopper Renew Subscription spec to Playwright and remove the corresponding Puppeteer test.
- Dev - Migrate the Shopper Subscriptions Manage Payments spec to Playwright and remove the corresponding Puppeteer test.
- Dev - Optimise memory consumption when formatting log entries.
- Dev - Port merchant subscription renewal E2E test to Playwright
- Dev - Refactoring of snackbar checks in Playwright e2e tests
- Dev - Refresh customer instance with REST API, replace customer creation by new order with anonymous customer
- Dev - Removed unused get single transaction endpoint
- Dev - Remove the subscriptions spec for Puppeteer
- Dev - Restore activated currencies after all tests that deactivate current ones.