The application source code available for download in this Github repository: https://github.com/sela-rhinops/bootcamp-app.
2 Ubuntu Servers:
- Database: Configure the database server (postgresql)
- Application: Configure the web server (install prerequisites)
Creating a Web Application Register Using Okta (application uses Okta for authentication)
Deploy the application (developed on nodejs)
application keeps running even if any of the servers is restarted (PM2 Setup)
Project Visual Studio 19:
Project settings
- ASP.NET Core Web App template
- .NET 5
- NuGet Packages: Newtonsoft.Json
- Add IIS to your windows server
- Create a new IIS application pool
- Create website (use port 5100 and your new application pool)
- Copy your website to your windows server
- Browse to “http://localhost:5100/” from your microsoft machine