- wamp/xampp server
- IDE(intellij idea/eclipse)
- Soup UI/ Postman
- Start wamp/xampp server
- Import coffee_shop_db.sql to phpMyAdmin
- Open coffee shop system in the IDE
- Go to src/main/resources/application.properties and change or reuse the server.port
- Run the project in IDE (if port changed save the project)
- Open Soup UI/Postman and test endpoints as bellow ( use "localhost:portnumber")
- Bakery Types
- /bakeryTypes - Fetch all bakery types from database - (GET)
- /bakeryTypes/ID - Fetch bakery types by ID - (GET)
- /bakeryTypes - Insert bakery types to the database - (POST)
- /bakeryTypes - Update bakery types from database - (PUT)
- /bakeryTypes/ID - Delete bakery types by ID - (DELETE)
- Coffee items
- /coffeeitems - Fetch all coffee items from the database - (GET)
- /coffeeitems/ID - Fetch coffee items by ID - (GET)
- /coffeeitems - Insert coffee items to the database - (POST)
- /coffeeitems - Update coffee items from database - (PUT)
- /coffeeitems/ID - Delete coffee items by ID - (DELETE)
- Coffee Types
- /coffeeTypes - Fetch all coffee types from database - (GET)
- /coffeeTypes/ID - Fetch coffee types by ID - (GET)
- /coffeeTypes - Insert coffee types to the database - (POST)
- /coffeeTypes - Update coffee types from database - (PUT)
- /coffeeTypes/ID - Delete coffee types by ID - (DELETE)
- Coffee shop
- /coffeeshop - fetch all coffee shop details from database - (GET)
- /coffeeshop/ID - Fetch coffee shop details by ID - (GET)
- /coffeeshop - Insert coffee shop details to the database - (POST)
- /coffeeshop - Update coffee shop details from database - (PUT)
- /coffeeshop/ID - Delete coffee shop details by ID - (DELETE)
- Customer
- /customer - fetch all customers from database - (GET)
- /customer/ID - Fetch customers by ID - (GET)
- /customer - Insert customers to the database - (POST)
- /customer - Update customers from database - (PUT)
- /customer/ID - Delete customers by ID - (DELETE)
- Employee
- /employee - Fetch all employee from database - (GET)
- /employee/ID - Fetch employees by ID - (GET)
- /employee - Insert employee to the database - (POST)
- /employee - Update employee from database - (PUT)
- /employee/ID - Delete employees by ID - (DELETE)
- Order
- /order - Fetch all order details from database - (GET)
- /order/ID - Fetch order details by ID - (GET)
- /order - Insert order details to the database - (POST)
- /order - Update order details from database - (PUT)
- /order/ID - Delete order details by ID - (DELETE)
- Payment
- /payment - Fetch all payment details from database - (GET)
- /payment/ID - Fetch payment details by ID - (GET)
- /payment - Insert payment details to the database - (POST)
- /payment - Update payment details from database - (PUT)
- /payment/ID - Delete payment details by ID - (DELETE)
- Steps
- Run the SpringBoot project
- Go to browser and type (http://localhost:8081/swagger-ui/#)