Here is a set of Twig functions and PHP helpers for jQuery UI.
Why ? You will be able to display degraded versions of buttons, messages box and icons. That ensures to get the same render with and without JavaScript on the most part of web browsers.
Note: This bundle does not provide assets like javascripts or stylesheets files to be able to use your own dependencies.
Install this bundle as usual:
git submodule add git:// vendor/bundles/Bazinga/JqueryUiBundle
Register the namespace in app/autoload.php
// app/autoload.php
// ...
'Bazinga' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles',
Register the bundle in app/AppKernel.php
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
return array(
// ...
new Bazinga\JqueryUiBundle\BazingaJqueryUiBundle(),
Add the following line to app/config/config.yml
bazinga_jquery_ui: ~
Don't forget to add jQuery/jQuery UI assets (javascript, css) as this bundle does not contains these files.
You are ready.
Simple function to display links by using a route name, a relative URL or an absolute URL.
{{ jui_link('homepage', 'home') }}
<a href="/app_dev.php/">home</a>
{{ jui_link('/toto', 'toto') }}
<a href="/toto">toto</a>
{{ jui_link('', 'Google') }}
<a href="">Google</a>
{{ jui_link('my_route', 'Absolute link', true) }}
<a href="http://myapp/my_route">Absolute link</a>
By default, a route will generate a relative URL. By setting the third parameter to true
, you will generate absolute URLs.
By default, the helper tries to match the current route with the route in parameter. If both match, the link will be disabled.
That means there will be no link. To force the link, you can set the fourth parameter (autoDisabled
) to false
Display a jQuery UI button.
{{ jui_button('hello') }}
<button class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only">
<span class="ui-button-text">hello</span>
You can add icons (see section Focus on icons):
{{ jui_button('configuration', {'icons': { 'primary': 'wrench', 'secondary': 'tag'} }) }}
<button class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-icon-secondary">
<span class="ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon ui-icon-wrench"></span>
<span class="ui-button-text">configuration</span>
<span class="ui-button-icon-secondary ui-icon ui-icon-tag"></span>
{{ jui_button('configuration', {'icons': { 'primary': 'wrench'} }) }}
<button class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-icon-primary">
<span class="ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon ui-icon-wrench"></span>
<span class="ui-button-text">configuration</span>
Available options:
// Icons to add (primary is on the left, secondary on the right)
'icons': { 'primary': '...', 'secondary': '...' }
// Tag to render (default: button)
'tag': '...'
// HTML options to add in the tag element (e.g. <button id="..." name="...">)
'html': { 'id': '...', 'name': '...' }
// CSS class
'class': [ '...', '...', ... ]
Combine a button with a link.
{{ jui_button_link('homepage', 'hello', {'icons': {'primary': 'wrench'}} ) }}
<button class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-icon-primary">
<span class="ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon ui-icon-wrench"></span>
<span class="ui-button-text"><a href="/app_dev.php/">hello</a></span>
It combines both parameters of jui_button()
and jui_link()
Display information messages:
{{ jui_info_box('Hello world !') }}
<div class="ui-widget info-box">
<div class="ui-state-highlight ui-corner-all" style="padding: 0pt 0.7em;">
<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-info" style="float: left; margin-right: 0.3em; margin-top: 0.1em;"></span>
Hello world !
You can use placeholders by using the following syntax:
{{ jui_info_box('Hello %name%', {'%name%' : 'world' }) }}
<div class="ui-widget info-box">
<div class="ui-state-highlight ui-corner-all" style="padding: 0 0.7em;">
<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-info" style="float: left; margin-right: 0.7em;"></span>
Hello world
Display error messages:
{{ jui_error_box('Warning !') }}
<div class="ui-widget error-box">
<div class="ui-state-error ui-corner-all" style="padding: 0pt 0.7em;">
<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-alert" style="float: left; margin-right: 0.3em; margin-top: 0.1em;"></span>
Warning !
You can also use placeholders.
Display a (standard) icon:
{{ jui_icon('tag') }}
<span class=" ui-icon ui-icon-tag"></span>
Display a submit button:
{{ jui_submit({ 'AdminBundle' : 'btn_batch' }) }}
<button class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only" type="submit" >
<span class="ui-button-text">Ok</span>
Each text
parameter can use translation.
You can pass a simple key as a string (e.g. 'my.big.title). It will translate this key by using the default catalogue.
You can specify your own message catalogue by using this syntax:
{ 'MyCatalogue' : 'my.big.title' }
This bundle comes with the famous silk icons set from famfamfam. It provides over 700 16-by-16 pixel icons and this bundle integrates them with jQueryUi.
So basically, you just have to add the silk-sprite.css file to your set of stylesheets:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ asset('bundles/bazingajqueryui/famfamfam/silk-sprite.css') }}" />
Once done, you will be able to use silk icons like jQueryUi ones, just prefix them by silk-
{{ jui_button('Save', {'icons': { 'secondary': 'silk-disk'} }) }}
<button class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-icon-secondary" >
<span class="ui-button-text">Save</span><span class="ui-icon-silk ui-silk ui-silk-disk ui-button-icon-secondary"></span>
- William DURAND (Bazinga) as main author.
- Julien MUETTON (Carpe Hora) for the inspiration.