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  • Build badge / NFT system for roles (graduados), events, collections
  • Create revenue streams via liquidity provision
  • Create revenue streams via NFT - AXÉ integration
  • Create revenue streams via services (group management, payments, events, tickets / admission), services could be free in bundle for certain level of yearly DAO contribution (again, something the DAO can set via proposal).

Local Development

To be able to use a Hardhat local node that is a fork of a test network with DaoHaus / Moloch / Axé DAO contracts already deployed, the chain ID is set to 1337. The same ID should be configured in Metamask.

See hardhat.config.ts:

  networks: {
    hardhat: {
      chainId: 1337,

In Metamask configure the localhost network:

'MetaMask Localhost Network Settings'


Start a local node via

FORK=true npx hardhat node

Unit Tests

Unit tests and Uniswap integration tests are implemented as Hardhat Chai tests and executed via yarn test which uses hardhat compile.


The deploy scripts are written in Solidity to generate the bytecode which is deployed via the Create3Factory available at 0x93FEC2C00BfE902F733B57c5a6CeeD7CD1384AE1 on all chains.


To avoid exposing the private key of the deployer account, it can be added to Forge's encrypted keystore:

cast wallet import axe-deployer --interactive

Deploying via Forge

The UX around key-management in Foundry is lacking. For the time being, you MUST specify the public address of the wallet to use via --sender 0x7e95A312E398431a26AC266B9215A7DddD5Ea60B, otherwise the Forge deploy script ignores the --account and uses the default account to startBroadcast()! (See foundry-rs/foundry#6034)


ENV vars need to be available and can be set in front of the command in the commandline or exported:


Hint: Alternatively to settings ENV vars like ETHERSCAN_API_KEY in the shell, set them in your local .env.local and export them into a shell session with export $(grep -v '^#' .env.local | xargs). Make sure there is no whitespace in the declarations in the file (ETHERSCAN_API_KEY=XXX).

Example how Axé is deployed to a network like Sepolia, if it doesn't exist there, yet:

  1. Start a local node that is forked from Sepolia. The Axé DAO on Sepolia was created in block 5327951 (TxReceipt)
anvil --fork-url $HTTPS_PROVIDER_URL_SEPOLIA --fork-block-number 5352114
  1. Run the the deploy script against the local node
forge script scripts/deploy.s.sol:Deploy --rpc-url http://localhost:8545 --account axe-deployer --sender 0x7e95A312E398431a26AC266B9215A7DddD5Ea60B --broadcast -vvv
  1. After verifying local deployment, simulate the deployment against the target network:
forge script scripts/deploy.s.sol:Deploy --fork-url $HTTPS_PROVIDER_URL_SEPOLIA --account axe-deployer --sender 0x7e95A312E398431a26AC266B9215A7DddD5Ea60B -vvv --verify

When all looks good, add the --broadcast flag and run for final deployment.

Contract verification

If you're not using the --verify parameter when deploying (see above) you can manually verify the contract:

forge verify-contract \
--chain-id 11155111 \
--num-of-optimizations 200 \
--constructor-args $(cast abi-encode "constructor(address,address)" 0xee2ac838c83e5d6bf6eb1c8a425c007345ace39e 0x6EF543d0Cce1171F696f82cB6f698133037d5b32) \
--etherscan-api-key $ETHERSCAN_API_KEY \
--compiler-version v0.8.23+commit.f704f362 \
--watch \
0xaE8F6454fa13EbA1Be4ea60019d1bd34F9D04895 \

Forge tests are currently not run automatically. We're using them for targeted testing, example:

forge test --fork-url $HTTPS_PROVIDER_URL_SEPOLIA --fork-block-number 5360605 --match-test test_IssuanceProposal
forge test --fork-url $HTTPS_PROVIDER_URL_SEPOLIA --fork-block-number 5411000 --match-test test_LiquidityProposal

Useful commands

Forge run test with impersonated account: --unlocked --from 0x238472397

On a local Anvil node, give the Axé Deployer account some funds from one of the default accounts:

cast send --rpc-url http://localhost:8545 0x7e95A312E398431a26AC266B9215A7DddD5Ea60B --value 0.5ether --unlocked --from 0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266

Read the state of proposal no. 3 from the DAO:

cast call 0x1c3ac998b698206cd2fb22bb422bf14367470866 "state(uint32)" 3 --rpc-url http://localhost:8545

Read the Axé balance of an account:

cast balance --erc20 0xaE8F6454fa13EbA1Be4ea60019d1bd34F9D04895 --rpc-url http://localhost:8545 0xEE2ac838C83e5d6bf6Eb1C8A425C007345ACe39E

Read the ETH balance of the AxeDeployer:

cast balance -e --rpc-url http://localhost:8545 0x7e95A312E398431a26AC266B9215A7DddD5Ea60B

Deploy MockERC20 and mint into treasury:

forge create --rpc-url $HTTPS_PROVIDER_URL_SEPOLIA --account axe-deployer --constructor-args "AxeUSD" "AXEUSD" --etherscan-api-key $ETHERSCAN_API_KEY contracts/test/MockERC20.sol:MockERC20

cast send 0xD44Eb94380bff68a827604fDb2dA7b0A3Ec6Ad0B "mint(address,uint256)" 0xEE2ac838C83e5d6bf6Eb1C8A425C007345ACe39E 10000000000000000000000 --rpc-url $HTTPS_PROVIDER_URL_SEPOLIA --account axe-deployer



AXESource: 0xaE8F6454fa13EbA1Be4ea60019d1bd34F9D04895 axeUSD: 0xD44Eb94380bff68a827604fDb2dA7b0A3Ec6Ad0B UniswapV2Factory: 0xAB5db096E5d2d79434ADC48B8D34f878dD7Fa0b0 UniswapV2Router02: 0xEF5aC450A41A39ef8A652C154318b3c8902ed86E