This repository was archived by the owner on Oct 24, 2023. It is now read-only.
v0.31.0 - 2019-02-13
Bug Fixes 🐞
- remove repair-malformed-updates deprecated flag (#492)
- fix unmanaged disk class issue (#473)
- Fail deployCmd when orchestrator version is invalid (#355)
- bump version for keyvault-flexvolume (#465)
- update kms container image (#464)
- Initialize data disks on Windows nodes (#462)
Build 🏭
- commit generated code files (#449)
Code Refactoring 💎
- swap satori's uuid package to gofrs (#466)
Continuous Integration 💜
- use diff instead of git diff for the CI validation checks of the generated files (#491)
- fix failing unit test in master (#485)
Features 🌈
- add support for Kubernetes 1.10.13 (#497)
- Support dynamic AzureEnvironmentSpecConfig (#386)
- updated network monitor version to newer release v0.0.5 (#460)
Performance Improvements 🚀
- set caching mode as ReadOnly by default (#476)