The BEST Minecraft AutoClicker made in Python
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Sharp when it was released, was the most advanced Python autoclicker publicly available. Any Python release of an autoclicker after the release of this one is very likely to be a copy-paste of it.
- Left / Right Clicker
- In-Game Overlay
- Advanced Randomization
- Hold / Always Mode
- Break Blocks
- RMB / LMB Lock
- BlockHit
- Shake Effect (JitterClick)
- Click Sounds
- Is in Menu Check
- Is Minecraft Focused Check
- Blatant Mode
- Recorder
- Auto Configuration Saver
- Hide GUI Toggle
- Always on Top Toggle
- Discord Rich Presence
- Recode the configuration saving system from scratch
- Code a real self-destruct
- Recode click sound system from scratch
- Q: Where can I find some click sounds?
- A: You can find them here: assets/ClickSounds