This repo is an attempt to create an open source media viewer focused on sharing media with friends and family.
The guide and scripts will be heavily focused on using a Raspberry Pi, but the core services should run fine on most OS's.
Yes, but there were some features that I could not find in other implementations that I wanted. High level requirements were:
- Support both video and pictures
- Videos longer than the slide duration will have random slide duration length clips selected for playback
- New media should always be played next, this encourages people to upload new media when gathered near the player.
- (NOT YET DONE) As files becomes stale, show them less often. This is an attempt to handle very large media libraries preventing the latest media from getting a chance to show up.
The application which handles curating the media for the player is written in GO. You can download the pre-compiled release from #TODO or build from source using the commands below. The example commands are for cross compiling for arm64 linux devices (like the Raspberry Pi).
env GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64 go build -ldflags "-w"
Note that env variables must be set as admin when cross compiling
set GOOS=linux
set GOARCH=arm64
go build -ldflags "-w"
scp memoryShare setup\ services\media-controller.service services\media-player.service msuser@<hostname or ip>:~
chmod +x
sudo -v ; ./
Append the values below to /boot/firmware/config.txt
, note that the values may need modification.
# Tell the DVFS algorithm to increase voltage by this amount (in µV; default 0).
# Set the Arm A76 core frequency (in MHz; default 2400).
For more information on improving performance see The lines below can help in validating stability
sudo apt install stress-ng mesa-utils
sudo stress-ng --cpu 0 --cpu-method fft
glxgears -fullscreen
while true; do vcgencmd measure_clock arm; vcgencmd measure_temp; sleep 10; done& stress -c 4 -t 900s