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Lusas Specific Adapter Features

Peter Nugent edited this page Oct 27, 2021 · 18 revisions

Starting the adapter

With the introduction of Lusas180, there has been a shift in how the LusasAdapter is initialised.

  1. Have a Lusas .mdl file specified in a file path for the Adapter component
  2. Open a session of Lusas, close any dialogue boxes
  3. Active the boolean toggle
  4. The Adapter can now be used the same as any other BHoM Adapter LusasAdapter demonstration

*Note Some versions of Lusas180 may raise issues when using the Adapter. A registry file (.reg) may be required and can be acquired by contacting Lusas.



The FEMesh is not supported by Lusas which uses it's own meshing algorithim with the user defining the constraints. Therefore, two custom objects have been created for 1D and 2D elements:

  • MeshSettings1D
  • MeshSettings2D

MeshSettings1D are fully integrated in to Bar objects, the following points are worth noting:

  1. The Mesh1DSettings are stored in the CustomData for Bar objects
  2. It is stored under the "Mesh" key
  3. Some properties of a Lusas Mesh Object (OrientationAngle, FEAType and BarReleases) are properties of the Bar object. Therefore, multiple mesh objects may be created to accommodate different configurations. See naming conventions. Mesh1DSettings

MeshSettings2D are stored under the "Mesh" key for Panel objects. These will be pushed as a dependency once this pull request is merged. Mesh2DSettings


Loadcase/LoadCombination Numbering

Loadcase numbers can be forced when loadcases are pushed to Lusas. There are some limitations in doing so (see known issues). By assigning a zero number to loadcases or loadcombinations, the next sequential number will be used in Lusas.

Bar Loads

The following loads that use a distance parameter are relative (0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0):

  • BarDistributedLoad
  • BarPointLoad