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The Kotlin API client for the LAMP Platform. (Please use to import this library.)


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Kotlin API client for the LAMP Platform


This API client is used to connect to the LAMP Platform from the Kotlin programming language. Visit our documentation for more information about the LAMP Platform.




  • Kotlin 1.3.41
  • Gradle 4.9

First, set up gradle:

gradle wrapper
./gradlew check assemble


Follow these steps:


Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to the server_address (by default, with the https:// protocol.

Class Method HTTP request Description
APIAPI aPIQuery POST / Query the LAMP Database.
APIAPI aPISchema GET / View the API schema document.
ActivityAPI activityAll GET /activity Get the set of all activities.
ActivityAPI activityAllByParticipant GET /participant/{participant_id}/activity Get all activities for a participant.
ActivityAPI activityAllByResearcher GET /researcher/{researcher_id}/activity Get all activities for a researcher.
ActivityAPI activityAllByStudy GET /study/{study_id}/activity Get all activities in a study.
ActivityAPI activityCreate POST /study/{study_id}/activity Create a new Activity under the given Study.
ActivityAPI activityDelete DELETE /activity/{activity_id} Delete an Activity.
ActivityAPI activityUpdate PUT /activity/{activity_id} Update an Activity's settings.
ActivityAPI activityView GET /activity/{activity_id} Get a single activity, by identifier.
ActivityEventAPI activityEventAllByParticipant GET /participant/{participant_id}/activity_event Get all activity events for a participant.
ActivityEventAPI activityEventAllByResearcher GET /researcher/{researcher_id}/activity_event Get all activity events for a researcher by participant.
ActivityEventAPI activityEventAllByStudy GET /study/{study_id}/activity_event Get all activity events for a study by participant.
ActivityEventAPI activityEventCreate POST /participant/{participant_id}/activity_event Create a new ActivityEvent for the given Participant.
ActivityEventAPI activityEventDelete DELETE /participant/{participant_id}/activity_event Delete a ActivityEvent.
ActivitySpecAPI activitySpecAll GET /activity_spec Get all ActivitySpecs registered.
ActivitySpecAPI activitySpecCreate POST /activity_spec Create a new ActivitySpec.
ActivitySpecAPI activitySpecDelete DELETE /activity_spec/{activity_spec_name} Delete an ActivitySpec.
ActivitySpecAPI activitySpecUpdate PUT /activity_spec/{activity_spec_name} Update an ActivitySpec.
ActivitySpecAPI activitySpecView GET /activity_spec/{activity_spec_name} View an ActivitySpec.
CredentialAPI credentialCreate POST /type/{type_id}/credential
CredentialAPI credentialDelete DELETE /type/{type_id}/credential/{access_key}
CredentialAPI credentialList GET /type/{type_id}/credential
CredentialAPI credentialUpdate PUT /type/{type_id}/credential/{access_key}
ParticipantAPI participantAll GET /participant Get the set of all participants.
ParticipantAPI participantAllByResearcher GET /researcher/{researcher_id}/participant Get the set of all participants under a single researcher.
ParticipantAPI participantAllByStudy GET /study/{study_id}/participant Get the set of all participants in a single study.
ParticipantAPI participantCreate POST /study/{study_id}/participant Create a new Participant for the given Study.
ParticipantAPI participantDelete DELETE /participant/{participant_id} Delete a participant AND all owned data or event streams.
ParticipantAPI participantUpdate PUT /participant/{participant_id} Update a Participant's settings.
ParticipantAPI participantView GET /participant/{participant_id} Get a single participant, by identifier.
ResearcherAPI researcherAll GET /researcher Get the set of all researchers.
ResearcherAPI researcherCreate POST /researcher Create a new Researcher.
ResearcherAPI researcherDelete DELETE /researcher/{researcher_id} Delete a researcher.
ResearcherAPI researcherUpdate PUT /researcher/{researcher_id} Update a Researcher's settings.
ResearcherAPI researcherView GET /researcher/{researcher_id} Get a single researcher, by identifier.
SensorAPI sensorAll GET /sensor Get the set of all sensors.
SensorAPI sensorAllByParticipant GET /participant/{participant_id}/sensor Get all sensors for a participant.
SensorAPI sensorAllByResearcher GET /researcher/{researcher_id}/sensor Get all sensors for a researcher.
SensorAPI sensorAllByStudy GET /study/{study_id}/sensor View all sensors in a study.
SensorAPI sensorCreate POST /study/{study_id}/sensor Create a new Sensor under the given Study.
SensorAPI sensorDelete DELETE /sensor/{sensor_id} Delete a Sensor.
SensorAPI sensorUpdate PUT /sensor/{sensor_id} Update an Sensor's settings.
SensorAPI sensorView GET /sensor/{sensor_id} Get a single sensor, by identifier.
SensorEventAPI sensorEventAllByParticipant GET /participant/{participant_id}/sensor_event Get all sensor events for a participant.
SensorEventAPI sensorEventAllByResearcher GET /researcher/{researcher_id}/sensor_event Get all sensor events for a researcher by participant.
SensorEventAPI sensorEventAllByStudy GET /study/{study_id}/sensor_event Get all sensor events for a study by participant.
SensorEventAPI sensorEventCreate POST /participant/{participant_id}/sensor_event Create a new SensorEvent for the given Participant.
SensorEventAPI sensorEventDelete DELETE /participant/{participant_id}/sensor_event Delete a sensor event.
SensorSpecAPI sensorSpecAll GET /sensor_spec Get all SensorSpecs registered.
SensorSpecAPI sensorSpecCreate POST /sensor_spec Create a new SensorSpec.
SensorSpecAPI sensorSpecDelete DELETE /sensor_spec/{sensor_spec_name} Delete an SensorSpec.
SensorSpecAPI sensorSpecUpdate PUT /sensor_spec/{sensor_spec_name} Update an SensorSpec.
SensorSpecAPI sensorSpecView GET /sensor_spec/{sensor_spec_name} Get a SensorSpec.
StudyAPI studyAll GET /study Get the set of all studies.
StudyAPI studyAllByResearcher GET /researcher/{researcher_id}/study Get the set of studies for a single researcher.
StudyAPI studyCreate POST /researcher/{researcher_id}/study Create a new Study for the given Researcher.
StudyAPI studyDelete DELETE /study/{study_id} Delete a study.
StudyAPI studyUpdate PUT /study/{study_id} Update the study.
StudyAPI studyView GET /study/{study_id} Get a single study, by identifier.
TypeAPI typeGetAttachment GET /type/{type_id}/attachment/{attachment_key}
TypeAPI typeGetDynamicAttachment GET /type/{type_id}/attachment/dynamic/{attachment_key}
TypeAPI typeListAttachments GET /type/{type_id}/attachment
TypeAPI typeParent GET /type/{type_id}/parent Find the owner(s) of the resource.
TypeAPI typeSetAttachment PUT /type/{type_id}/attachment/{attachment_key}/{target}
TypeAPI typeSetDynamicAttachment PUT /type/{type_id}/attachment/dynamic/{attachment_key}/{target}

Documentation for Models