Connect the dots (CTD) is a graph-based algorithm used for finding the subset of highly connected nodes (F) of the selected set of nodes (S) inside a graph G. Its application is specially adapted for metabolomics, concretely for finding the highly connected subset of perturbed metabolites that can be used as the potential disease markers. Our novel network-based approach, CTD, “connects the dots” between metabolite perturbations observed in individual metabolomics profiles and a given disease state by calculating how connected those metabolites are in the context of a disease-specific network. It consists of several stages:
- Background knowledge graph generation
- The encoding algorithm: includes generating node permutations using a network walker, converting node permutations into bitstrings, and calculating the minimum encoding length between k codewords
- Calculate the probability of a node subset based on the encoding length
- Calculate similarity between two node subsets, using a metric based on mutual information.
CTD can receive as input experimental (disease) and control datasets with z-scores of metabolite perturbations. It will automatically predict metabolite relation graph (using Graphical LASSO algorithm) and disease module (S) containing set of kmx
most perturbed metabolites. Then, the subset of most connected perturbed metabolites will be calculated and written to output JSON file together with its p-value.
Another option is to provide a weighted graph (adjacency matrix) and a list of nodes of interest.
Python implementation of CTD should be used as R will no longer be maintained. Performance comparison between the two implementations can be found at the bottom of the page.
CTD can be run locally, inside Docker container or as a public tool on Cancer Genomics Cloud platform.
Install on Python 3.9 and the following dependencies: matplotlib, numpy, pandas, python_igraph, scikit_learn, scipy, CTD
Clone the repository: git clone
# python --help
Connect The Dots - Find the most connected sub-graph
-h, --help show this help message and exit
optional arguments:
--experimental Experimental dataset file name.
--control Control dataset file name.
--adj_matrix CSV with adjacency matrix.
--s_module Comma-separated list or path to CSV of graph G
nodes to consider when searching for the most
connected subgraph.
--include_not_in_s Include the nodes not appearing in S (encoded with
a zero in the optimal bitstring) in the most
connected subgraph. These are excluded by default.
--kmx Number of highly perturbed nodes to consider.
Ignored if S module is given.
--present_in_perc_for_s Percentage of patients having metabolite for
selection of S module. Ignored if S module is given.
--output_name Name of the output JSON file.
--out_graph_name Name of the output graph adjacency CSV file.
--num_processes Number of worker processes to use for
parallelisation. Default is to use the number
returned by os.cpu_count().
-v, --verbose Set verbose logging level.
Download and install Docker Desktop.
If experimental and control datasets are available in the current directory (e. g. from data/example_argininemia
) run:
docker run -it -v $(PWD):/mnt vladimirkovacevic/ctd:2.0 Rscript /opt/CTD/CTD.r --experimental /mnt/experimental.csv --control /mnt/control.csv --output_name /mnt/output.json
CTD is available in the public apps galery on Cancer Genomics Cloud platform. After pulling it to the project all of its parameters and input files are possible to set and its execution can be easily started on the cloud instance.
Run example with a small graph and provided disease module:
python --adj_matrix data/example_2/adj.csv --s_module "m2,m4,m5,m7"
Run example with experimental arginenimia metabolite z-scores extracted from Miller 2015 data using prepare_data.R script:
python --experimental data/example_argininemia/experimental.csv --control data/example_argininemia/control.csv --kmx 15
All stages of the analysis pipeline with examples are available in vignette/CTD_Lab-Exercise.Rmd
MIT License Copyright (c) 2021 BCM, Houston, Texas
Open /Colab_CTD_PLOSCB.ipynb in Google Colab to reproduce some results from Thistlethwaite et al. (2020) step by step. This does not require CTD local installation. You will:
- Visualize individual or average cohort metabolomics profiles on comprehensive or individual pathway maps from MetaboLync, curated by Metabolon.
- Estimate the probability and significance of a metabolite set against different disease-specific network contexts using CTD.
- Use CTD as feature selection method and a covariate in Partial Least Square (PLS) regression.
For performance comparison, Kegg graph with 6.476 nodes was used. Disease modules were generated by randomly selecting specified number of nodes from the graph.
S module size | R | Python [num_processes=1] | Python [num_processes=2] | Python [num_processes=4] | Python - [num_processes=8] | Python - [num_processes=12] |
5 | 53.943s | 14.841s | 17.609s | 16.116s | 16.737s | 18.134s |
10 | 243.951s | 30.815s | 29.348s | 30.091s | 26.151s | 27.423s |
20 | 207.083s | 42.551s | 31.424s | 24.865s | 33.169s | 33.466s |
50 | 546.891s | 104.899s | 68.077s | 46.717s | 45.608s | 48.42s |
100 | 1462.092s | 234.333s | 153.061s | 94.486s | 76.07s | 76.159s |
200 | 3046.301s | 510.385s | 306.24s | 191.94s | 141.417s | 130.566s |
* Tested on machine with 2.6 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7 processor and 16 GB RAM.
[1] Thistlethwaite L.R., Petrosyan V., Li X., Miller M.J., Elsea S.H., Milosavljevic A, CTD: an information-theoretic method to interpret multivariate perturbations in the context of graphical models with applications in metabolomics and transcriptomics. Plos Comput Biol, 2021.
[2] Lillian R. Thistlethwaite1, Xiqi Li, Lindsay C. Burrage, Kevin Riehle, Joseph G. Hacia, Nancy Braverman, Michael F. Wangler, Marcus J. Miller, Sarah H. Elsea & Aleksandar Milosavljevic, Clinical diagnosis of metabolic disorders using untargeted metabolomic profiling and disease‑specific networks learned from profiling data, scientific reports, 2022.