Releases: BSC-CNS-EAPM/AdaptivePELE
AdaptivePELE 1.7.4
Merge pull request #41 from chdominguez/master Fix compatibility with newer Cython
AdaptivePELE 1.7.2
This version includes run RMSD clustering from scratch, filters for plotAdaptive, support for multiple control files, and bug fixes for MD simulation
AdaptivePELE 1.7.1
This version includes improvements for the equilibration of PELE simulations, including a bug fix for the box center and the addition of new parameters.
AdaptivePELE 1.7
This version includes the option of clustering selecting using the chain name or residue names.
AdaptivePELE 1.6.3
This version incorporates new features for MD simulations, such as being able to automatically parametrize multiple molecules, and choose which molecules should be restricted by the simulation box. It also incorporates some templates for cofactors.
AdaptivePELE 1.6.2
This version fixes some bugs, such as missing dependencies in, wrong protonation of histidines and adds some analysis scripts
AdaptivePELE 1.6
First version incorporating MD simulations
AdaptivePELE 1.5.2
Quick release to fix a bug in that caused the installation through pip to fail if cython was not installed
AdaptivePELE 1.5.1
Minor release with modified handling of xtc trajectories (mdtraj's low-level api) with a noticeable speed-up.