Redmine Scrummer is a redmine plugin to let it supports scrum agile process.
Redmine is a flexible project management web application written using Ruby on Rails framework.
More details can be found at in the doc directory or on the official website
Redmine Scrummer is recommended to be used with redmine 2.1
1. Install Redmine if not already installed 2. cd to `plugins` 3. Clone the scrummer plugin `git clone` 4. cd .. 5. Run `bundle install` 6. Run `RAILS_ENV=production rake redmine:plugins:migrate` 7. Run `RAILS_ENV=production rake redmine_scrummer:load_default_data`
You can use redmine tags plugin to support themes.
1. cd plugins 2. git clone git:// -b redmine-2.1.x 3. cd .. 4. bundle install 5. rails generate acts_as_taggable_on:migration 6. rake db:migrate
1. cd plugins/redmine_scrummer 2. git pull origin master 3. cd .. 4. Run `bundle install` 6. Run `RAILS_ENV=production rake redmine:plugins:migrate` 7. Run `RAILS_ENV=production rake redmine_scrummer:load_default_data`
Include scrummer module in the your redmine projects
Include Custom Fields (Story-Size, Business Value, Release, Remaining) in your redmine projects
Make sure members of the project have some scrum roles (ScrumMaster, ProductOwner, ProjectMember)
rake db:test:prepare db:fixtures:load redmine_scrummer:load_default_data RAILS_ENV=test cucumber
redmine pagination is by default (25,50,100). You can update it from config/settings.yml
Done Ratio is calculated automatically by default. You can change it from (Adminstration > Settings > Issue Tracking > Calculate the issue done ratio with)