This is a web application built from scratch using Go, without relying on any Go frameworks. The app allows users to paste and share text snippets, and it covers a variety of web development topics along the way.
- Project Organization: Clean and efficient structure to keep things modular and maintainable.
- Routing: Handles HTTP routes to ensure proper request/response flows.
- Database Integration: Connects to a database to persist and retrieve snippets.
- Form Processing & Dynamic Data: Processes form data and safely displays dynamic content.
- User Accounts: Allows users to create accounts for a more personalized experience.
- User Permissions: Only registered users can create new snippets.
- HTTPS Configuration: Ensures secure communication using HTTPS.
- Session Management: Tracks user sessions to maintain logins and other stateful interactions.
- User Authentication: Allows users to log in and out of the application securely.
- Middleware: Implements reusable components to enhance the functionality of the app.
- The standard pattern for creating a middleware looks like this:
func myMiddleware(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
fn := func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// TODO: Execute our middleware logic here...
next.ServeHTTP(w, r)
return http.HandlerFunc(fn)
- Simplifying the Middleware : A tweak to this pattern is to use an anonymous function to rewrite the myMiddleware middleware like so:
func myMiddleware(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// TODO: Execute our middleware logic here...
next.ServeHTTP(w, r)
Positioning the Middleware
If you position your middleware before the servemux in the chain then it will act on every request that your application receives.
myMiddleware → servemux → application handler
you can position the middleware after the servemux in the chain — by wrapping a specific application handler. This would cause your middleware to only be executed for specific routes. (An example of this would be something like authorization middleware, which you may only want to run on specific routes.)
servemux → myMiddleware → application handler
Out of all the third-party routers, The recommend as a starting point: Pat and Gorilla Mux
Make some improvements to our application so that our data is kept secure during transit and our server is better able to deal with some common types of Denial-of�Service attacks.
- How to quickly and easily create a self-signed TLS certificate, using only Go.
- The fundamentals of setting up your application so that all requests and responses are served securely over HTTPS.
- Some sensible tweaks to the default TLS settings to help keep user information secure and our server performing quickly.
- How to set connection timeouts on our server to mitigate Slowloris and other slow-client attacks
HTTPS is essentially HTTP sent across a TLS (Transport Layer Security) connection. Because it’s sent over a TLS connection the data is encrypted and signed, which helps ensure its privacy and integrity during transit.
If you’re not familiar with the term, TLS is essentially the modern version of SSL (Secure Sockets Layer).
create a new 'tls' directory in the root of your project repository to hold the certificate and change into it
generate a TLS certificate :
Handily, the crypto/tls package in Go’s standard library includes a generate_cert.go tool that we can use to easily create our own self-signed certificate.
go run /usr/local/go/src/crypto/tls/generate_cert.go --rsa-bits=2048 --host=localhost
It then stores the private key in a key.pem file, and generates a self-signed TLS certificate for the host localhost containing the public key — which it stores in a cert.pem file
tls/ cert.pem key.pem
- Implement basic signup, login and logout functionality for users.
- A secure approach to encrypting and storing user passwords securely in your database using Bcrypt.
- A solid and straightforward approach to verifying that a user is logged in using middleware and sessions.
- Prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks