Scrape the GSMArena website for collecting data of mobile devices
GSMArena is a gadget review website with a focus on cellular and mobile devices. This data is a labeled dataset extracted from the GSMArena webiste - one of the most popular online provider of phone information - and holds a large collection of phone specification.
There are 116 unique phone brands and 10,000+ mobile phone models with 86 different specification fields.
The dataset was scraped using rvest, htmltab, and xml2 libraries in the R programming language.
- Recreate the dataset with url ids and oem-device columns
- Scrape latest devices only
Count oem devices in gsm.csv, compare it with number of devices in oems page - not reliable: xolo listed as 81, contains only 80. Some oems have 40 device/page, others 85 devicec/page.
- Reduce repeated code by refrencing functions from the OG file Define all functions in one .R file, call them from another .R file. How, if possible?
- Prevent main code from running when
d source a file in r without running the code (source a file in r without running the code - Google Search)
- Prevent main code from running when