qb-inventory reskin
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Fan-made re-skin...
edited qb-weapons [W.I.P] Mostly used for getting ammo values in qb-inventory tool tip (can be disabled)
dp-clothing is required for clothing-menu to work in 3.0 reskin
- Currently the "⚙️" button is set-up to use lj-menu
- You also have the option to trigger your own event or just disable the button in the config
- To fix
[script:qb-inventory:nui] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property "toFixed" of undefined
- Quality has to be manually added to the item u just recieved
- For example:
Player.Functions.AddItem(item, amount, slot, {["quality"] = 100})
Fix Item showing up as [+Undefined/-Undefined]
- You need to add the amount of items recieved in the 'inventory:client:ItemBox' event the item was triggered from
- For example:
TriggerClientEvent('inventory:client:ItemBox', src, QBCore.Shared.Items['water'], "add", 1)
TriggerClientEvent('inventory:client:ItemBox', src, QBCore.Shared.Items['water'], "remove", 1)