This project provides a synch engine for external subscriptions for Bedework.
It could also be used for 1 way synchronization between any source and server.
- JDK 17
- Maven 3
mvn clean install
Releases of this fork are published to Maven Central via Sonatype.
To create a release, you must have:
- Permissions to publish to the
groupId. gpg
installed with a published key (release artifacts are signed).
To perform a new release use the release script:
./bedework/build/quickstart/linux/util-scripts/ "" "-SNAPSHOT"
When prompted, indicate all updates are committed
For full details, see Sonatype's documentation for using Maven to publish releases.
- First 4.x release based on 3.11 dev
- 3.12 onwards releases of bedework calendar engine now use this version.
- Reset subscription error count on reschedule
- Watch for null password in decrypt
- Add a reschedule now feature
- Logging changes
- Fix jboss-app.xml
- Use last-modified if etag not present
- Java 11: Add javax xml bind etc
- Fix dependencies
- Switch to PooledHttpClient
- Changes for latest http support
- bw-util refactor
- Update library versions
- Update library versions
- Update library versions
- Remove unused fields and dependencies on hibernate.
- Update library versions
- Update library versions
- Update library versions
- Add campusgroups support to synch engine.
- Use bedework-parent for builds
- Upgrade library versions
- Upgrade library versions
- Remove enum user type from db. Use string value for persistence and provide option to get enum from that.
- Simplify the configuration utilities.
- Deploy synch service as a war. The ear version could not access hibernate mappings.
- Upgrade library versions
- Set User-Agent to identify Bedework
- Skip version - nexus plugin failed
- Upgrade library versions
- Moved synch xml module into synch out of bw-xml
- Release 5.0.4 failed because of a deploy issue. Release version with new dependencies.
- Release 5.0.5 failed because of a missing name in the pom.
- Exclude calws from the generated artefact, or we get classloader errors.
- Excluded xrd also - reinstate.
- calws-soap source in different artefact.
- Upgrade library versions
- Upgrade library versions
- Fix needed to deal with util.hibernate bug relating to static sessionFactory variable.
- Upgrade library versions
- Make SynchException unchecked
- Added a refresh operation to the synch engine and added associated code to the client side.
- Still has an issue - the subscription info at the synch engine side appears to be out of date after update. Get OptimisticLockExeption on retry of the refresh.
- Updating the subscription led to stale state exceptions. Just let the reschedule deal with it.
- Upgrade library versions
- Better error reporting
- Remove a lot of redundant throws clauses
- Upgrade library versions
- Move response classes and ToString into bw-base module.
- Add start of openjpa implementation. Add new database exception and move db related exceptions into new package.
- Create a single instance of the service object for each URI and a single port from each service. Was getting intermittent failures on calls to getPort which appear to be memory related.
- Switch to use DbSession from bw-database.
- Convert the hql queries into valid jpql. No hibernate specific terms were required (I think).
- Switch to official jaxws-maven-plugin