This Symfony bundle aims to convert Draft.js state into an equivalent PHP object model and providing necessary tools for rendering html.
This library can be easily installed via composer
composer require m6web/draftjs-bundle
Then register the bundle:
# app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
new M6Web\Bundle\DraftjsBundle\M6WebDraftjsBundle(),
The configuration allow you to customize class names of blocks, inline styles and text alignment.
blocks: # overriding class name of block
atomic: 'custom-atomic'
default: 'custom-paragraph'
list: 'custom-list'
heading: 'custom-heading'
inline: # define inline styles class name
<string>: <string>
text_alignment: # define text alignment class name
left: 'text-left'
center: 'text-center'
right: 'text-right'
The inline key allow any string to customize class name of inline style text, for example, if you want to define the class name of BOLD style, just define your configuration as below:
bold: 'u-bold'
DraftjsBundle follow the Draft.js object model.
ContentState : Represent the document
ContentBlock : Represent a single block
DraftEntity : Represent a Draft.js entity
CharacterMetadata : Represent a character with style and entity
DraftjsBundle supports default Draft.js blocks type, has listed below:
- atomic
- unstyled
- paragraph
- unordered-list-item
- ordered-list-item
- header-one
- header-two
- header-three
- header-four
- header-five
- header-six
- blockquote
You can extends this list by implementing custom renderer has show in section Renderers
- DraftjsException
Convert a Draft.js state into php model object.
Build html from a ContentState object.
Object for converting and rendering a Draft.js state into html.
In addition to the global HtmlRenderer, we provide the possibility to extends rendering engine by adding new renderers.
We distinguished 3 types of renderer, depending on what you we want to customize,
There is also another renderer not listed here, the ContentRenderer responsible of rendering the HTML within a block from text and inline style.
The only things you have to do is to create a service then tagged it as expected.
First define your service:
# block entity renderers
class: Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Renderer\Block\AcmeBlockRenderer
parent: m6_web_draft_js.abstract_block_renderer
- [setBlockClassName, ['block-acme']]
- { name: draftjs.block_renderer, alias: draftjs_acme_block_renderer }
In order to be fully support by our rendering engine, you must tag your service with draftjs.block_renderer and you must extend AbstractBlockRenderer who implement the BlockRendererInterface interface.
Illustration with the AcmeBlockRenderer class:
namespace Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Renderer\Block;
use M6Web\Bundle\DraftjsBundle\Renderer\Block\AbstractBlockRenderer;
use M6Web\Bundle\DraftjsBundle\Model\ContentBlock;
class AcmeBlockRenderer extends AbstractBlockRenderer
* @param \ArrayIterator $iterator
* @param array $entities
* @return string
public function render(\ArrayIterator &$iterator, array $entities)
// you have acces to the global iterator of ContentBlock
// so just get current item by use curent()
$contentBlock = $iterator->current();
// if your renderer is handling the current ContentBlock
// you must inform the iterator to move to the next entry for next iteration
// By extending the AbstractBlockRenderer, you can use the ContentRenderer who allow to render inline html
$content = $this->contentRenderer->render(
if (!$this->template) {
return $content;
// You also have access to the templating engine
return $this->templating->render($this->template, [
'classNames' => $this->buildClassNames($contentBlock),
'content' => $content,
* @param string $type
* @return bool
public function supports($type)
return 'acme' === $type;
* @return string
public function getName()
return 'acme';
Inline renderer are used for displaying entity information in block content has string.
function createLink() {
return DraftEntity.__create('LINK', 'MUTABLE', {uri: ''});
First define your service:
class: Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Renderer\Inline\LinkInlineEntityRenderer
- [setClassName, ['u-link']]
- { name: draftjs.inline_entity_renderer, alias: draftjs_link_inline_entity_renderer }
In order to be fully support by our rendering engine, you must tag your service with draftjs.inline_entity_renderer and you must extend AbstractInlineEntityRenderer who implement the InlineEntityRendererInterface interface.
Illustration with the LinkInlineEntityRenderer class:
namespace Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Renderer\Inline;
use M6Web\Bundle\DraftjsBundle\Renderer\Inline\AbstractInlineEntityRenderer;
use M6Web\Bundle\DraftjsBundle\Renderer\Helper\InlineRendererHelperTrait;
use M6Web\Bundle\DraftjsBundle\Model\DraftEntity;
class LinkInlineEntityRenderer extends AbstractInlineEntityRenderer
const TAG_NAME = 'a';
use InlineRendererHelperTrait;
* @param DraftEntity $entity
* @return string
public function openTag(DraftEntity $entity)
$data = $entity->getData();
$attributes = [];
if (isset($data['url'])) {
$attributes['href'] = $data['url'];
if (isset($data['target']) && '_self' !== $data['target']) {
$attributes['target'] = $data['target'];
if (isset($data['nofollow']) && true === $data['nofollow']) {
$attributes['rel'] = 'nofollow';
if ($this->className) {
$attributes['class'] = $this->className;
return $this->openNode(self::TAG_NAME, $attributes);
* @return string
public function closeTag()
return $this->closeNode(self::TAG_NAME);
* @param string $type
* @return bool
public function supports($type)
return 'link' === $type;
* @return string
public function getName()
return 'link';
Notice the use of InlineRendererHelperTrait
Entity block renderer are used for displaying entity information as a block.
First define your service:
class: Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Renderer\Entity\AcmeBlockEntityRenderer
parent: m6_web_draft_js.abstract_block_entity_renderer
- [setClassName, ['block-entity-acme']]
- { name: draftjs.block_entity_renderer, alias: draftjs_acme_block_entity_renderer }
In order to be fully support by our rendering engine, you must tag your service with draftjs.block_entity_renderer and you must extend AbstractBlockEntityRenderer who implement the BlockEntityRendererInterface interface.
Illustration with the LinkInlineEntityRenderer class:
namespace Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Renderer\Entity;
use M6Web\Bundle\DraftjsBundle\Renderer\Entity\AbstractBlockEntityRenderer;
use M6Web\Bundle\DraftjsBundle\Model\DraftEntity;
class AcmeBlockEntityRenderer extends AbstractBlockEntityRenderer
* @param DraftEntity $entity
* @return string
public function render(DraftEntity $entity)
// generate content from the entity data
$content = 'content of your acme block';
return $this->templating->render($this->getTemplate(), [
'className' => $this->getClassName(),
'content' => $content,
* @param string $type
* @return bool
public function supports($type)
return 'acme' === $type;
* @return string
public function getName()
return 'acme';
trait InlineRendererHelperTrait
* @param $tagName
* @param array $attributes
* @return string
protected function openNode($tagName, array $attributes = [])
$strAttributes = $this->buildAttributes($attributes);
return sprintf('<%s%s>', $tagName, $strAttributes);
* @param $tagName
* @return string
protected function closeNode($tagName)
return sprintf('</%s>', $tagName);
* Convert an array of attributes in string like http_build_query
* @param array $attributes
* @return string
protected function buildAttributes(array $attributes = [])
$strAttributes = array_map(function ($key) use ($attributes) {
return sprintf('%s="%s"', $key, $attributes[$key]);
}, array_keys(array_filter($attributes)));
if (!$strAttributes) {
return '';
return sprintf(' %s', implode(' ', $strAttributes));
trait BlockRendererHelperTrait
* Get text alignment from content block data
* @param ContentBlock $contentBlock
* @return null
protected function getTextAlignment(ContentBlock $contentBlock)
$data = $contentBlock->getData();
if (isset($data['textAlignment'])) {
return $data['textAlignment'];
return null;
* Build string class names from block and text alignment class names
* @param ContentBlock $contentBlock
* @return string
protected function buildClassNames(ContentBlock $contentBlock)
$textAlignment = $this->getTextAlignment($contentBlock);
$classNames = [
if ($textAlignment) {
$classNames[] = $this->getTextAlignmentClassName($textAlignment);
return implode(' ', $classNames);