Modding Utility for Party Project
Party Pooper does not contain of any Party Project's code or assets. As far as I'm aware, Party Project does not explictly define a license, making it All Rights Reserved by default. Download your own (free) copy of Party Project yourself from their itch page.
The default build configuration and releases for Party Pooper bundle an LGPL-licensed build of FFmpeg.
You can either modify the build script to substitute a different version of FFmpeg, or build Party Pooper from source using the --ffmpeg shared
option to use your system's version of ffmpeg instead.
Alternatively, you can disable FFmpeg support and related commands entirely by building with --ffmpeg none
The license for the version of FFmpeg that's bundled by default can be found at
(PartyPooper --help
Usage: PartyPooper [options] [command]
Modding Utility for Party Project
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command
pack <assets> [output] packs assets into a package.nw file
unpack <file> [destination] unpacks a package.nw file
convert [options] <input> [output] Converts a video/gif/image file into webm, for replacing a minigame
help [command] display help for command
Requires Node.js v20.6.0
or later.
git clone
cd PartyPooper
npm install
Then, run the build tool:
node --experimental-strip-types ./tools/build.ts
There are a number of options for building:
(node --experimental-strip-types ./tools/build.ts --help
Usage: build [options] [targets...]
builds the project
targets Platform(s) to build for, e.g. 'linux-x64' or 'win-arm64' (default: linux-x64)
-n, --node-version <version> Node version to build for (default: v22.11.0)
-d, --debug Build in debug mode (default: false)
-f, --ffmpeg <mode> Configure ffmpeg support. Static bundles ffmpeg into the binary. Shared uses the system ffmpeg. None disables ffmpeg support.
(choices: "static", "shared", "none", default: "static")
-h, --help display help for command
Some of the build defaults are dependant on the host platform and version of Node being used.