This project is a YouTube comment analysis app that scrapes comments from a given YouTube video URL, classifies them according to a toxicity model, and provides an analysis of the comments based on their toxicity levels. The toxicity model utilized in this project is a Bidirectional LSTM model, and a vectorizer model is used to vectorize the text data.
See Demo 📺 Click here
- Scrapes comments from a YouTube video URL.
- Classifies comments based on toxicity using a Bidirectional LSTM model.
- Provides analysis and visualization of comment toxicity levels.
- Clone this Repository on your local machine
- Create a virtual environment
conda create -n venv python=3.8
- Activate it
conda activate venv
- Install initial deps
pip install Requirements.txt
- Iniate Model training by
- Get Youtube Data Api v3 API_KEY from Google cloud console for free
- Run the app
- Toxicity Model: Bidirectional LSTM model trained to classify comment toxicity levels.
- Vectorizer Model: Used to vectorize the text data for input to the toxicity model.
- Python
- Streamlit
- TensorFlow
- googleapiclient.discovery (for youtube comment scraping)
This project was developed by Mohamed Hmida.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.