A customised version of Athlon1600's php-proxy-app.
SneakySneaky is a simple web proxy that allows you to bypass blocked sites. It is based off of php-proxy-app with some slight changes and improvements. Feel free to use it at SneakySneaky.tk or Sneeky.tk for short.
Here's a list of what's currently different from the main php-proxy-app:
* Switched to [miniProxy](https://github.com/joshdick/miniProxy) for YouTube videos
* Enables changing video quality (all resolutions are available now)
* Uses new YouTube controls
* Videos start quicker
* Videos buffer more (use 480p if you don't want to wait)
* YouTube links go to yt.sneakysneaky.tk now
* Added info page
* Fixed Reddit
* Reddit.com redirects to old.reddit.com now
* General cleanup
* Fixed Google search issue
* Fixed some UI bugs
v1.0 (Initial fork)
* More clean/modern look
* Background by [Trianglify](https://github.com/qrohlf/trianglify)
* Google search in URL bar
* Auto-hide URL bar on scroll
* Semi-transparent URL bar
* Added [SecurityPlugin](https://github.com/Athlon1600/php-proxy-plugin-bundle/pull/2) (fixes a few major security flaws in main version)
* 🌽
* Enabled HD YouTube videos
* Made YouTube a bit cleaner
* Enlarged the YouTube player (better for 1080p screens)
* Server based in Australia (not really a change, just thought I'd mention it)
Unless you want to point something out that I've obviously done, please make an issue here. Same goes with pull requests.