A four dimensional Matrix-Vector Product module written in SystemVerilog.
Currently, the testbench is in a nonworking state. This is because SystemVerilog deals with the "real" datatype (64 bit float) differently from integers or logic, meaning loading in testvectors is more difficult. I hope to resolve this either by figuring the specific syntax to use, or by reworking the modules to deal with the "logic" datatype instead of "real" and use existing multiplication modules as opposed to dealing with SystemVerilog's quirks and features. The side benefit is that this would make the module more situation-appropriate because 3d graphics rarely deal with data larger than 16 bit floats.
This repo contains a LaTeX doc (and PDF) describing the project, as well as all of the modules implemented and helper python scripts.
The combinational and sequential implementations of Matrix-Vector multiplication are contained in matrix_vector_prod_comb.sv
and matrix_vector_prod_seq.sv
contains helper scripts for creating the matrix modules. generate_matrix_testvector.py
creates a testvector for the testbench, while matrix_vector_prod.tv
is the testvector file. Finally, mux4.sv
, mux8.sv
, and mux16.sv
are helper SystemVerilog modules written by Avinash Uttamchandani.
Computer Architecture project
Olin College of Engineering
Benji Pugh