This is the repo for the firmware from the PRoMo project.
At the moment, based on STM32F411RE Nucleo board.
This project is compiled using a Makefile, but you can easily integrate that in your favorite IDE if you prefer to. To be able to make, you need:
- Install the GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain:
- You need the STM32cubeF4 HAL (You can have it throw STM32CubeMX or directly)
- Go in the Makefile and update the PATH for both of them
To be able to flash the chip, I use a ST-LINK/V2 and the ST-LINK Utility CLI (that can be found here). Update the PATH for that in the Makefile also
- Reference Manuel for the micro-controler: RM0383 -Reference manual. Usefull for a detailed description of the HW modules.
- Datasheet of the uc : STM32F411xE Datasheet. You can found the list of the pins alternate functions here.
- You can also found the HAL User Manual with the STM32CubeF4 in <User>/STM32Cube/Repository/STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.21.0/Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/STM32F411xE_User_Manual.chm. You can see the details of every HAL functions and a list of the structures fields and possible values.