An example API to demonstrate the use of
It also tries to be an efficient example of how to test, develop, deploy and manage resources for a REST API.
To develop and run the project, you might want to run it locally.
Add promoteapi.test
to you hosts file.
Copy the .env.dist
file to .env
and replace the default values with your own.
Start the docker containers with make dev
Prepare the project for usage - ie prepare database schema, load fixtures, install dependencies - with make d c=prepare
Acces the API on http://promoteapi.test:4200/
Post a form containing the username and the password to get the token.
Use the obtained token to identify with the header X-AUTH-TOKEN
POST /token
Content-type: Form-date
Fields username
A list will give you a paginated ressource.
You can filter out results on specific fields.
Available operators are >
, <
, >=
, <=
, =
, !=
Default operator is =
You can sort the result by any property
Will sort the results by descending id
POST /artists
{ "artist": { "name": "eminem", "slug": "eminem", "bio": "rapper from detroit", "labels": [1, 2] } }
will return
{ "id": 2, "name": "eminem", "slug": "eminem", "bio": "rapper from detroit", "_links": { "self": "/artists/2", "labels": [ "/labels/1", "/labels/2" ] } }
PUT & PATCH works the same way
By default, relations are not embeded. You can change this behaviour by specifiying wich embedeed entities you need.
Upload a file as a binary in the content, specifying it's content-type in the header (image/* for instance)
PUT /artists/2/picture HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8000
Content-Type: image/*
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: 0d0ab553-44e4-5710-f582-831123a6ed2f
*image binary content*
Phpspec will test that your code is doing what it should. Behat will run end to end tests on pretty much all key features Dredd performs a documentation test to check whether the implementation is done accordingly to the documentation.
Run the tests
make test
make build
will create reports in the /build folder for you to follow the evolution of you app. best run on a Continuous Intergration environment.
Document your code with the appropriate @SWG & @JMS annotations so nelmioApiDocBundle can generate the proper doc.
ìf you want to automatically update your OpenAPI documentation according to your annotations & code, run this command:
php bin/console dump:api-doc
you can then have the documentation available on
by starting a swagger-ui docker container with this command
docker run -p 8042:8080 -e SWAGGER_JSON=/def/swagger.json -v $PWD:/def swaggerapi/swagger-ui