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ParaViewPluginBuilder is an open-source docker based script to facilitate the building of plugin for the binary release of ParaView. This tool is developed by Kitware SAS.


./run_build_paraview releaseTag
./run_build_plugin -d /path/to/plugin/directory releaseTag


The building is divided in two phases There are two scripts, one for each part of the build.

  • Building a specific version of ParaView
  • Building a provided plugin of an already builded version of ParaView

This is very convienent as it allows fast building of plugins once the targeted version of ParaView has been built

Building ParaView

To build ParaView, use the script from the main directory. As parameter, just provide a release tag or a nightly hash (both are supported) If needed (advanced cases), you can provide the version of CentOS to build with. Default version is 7. If needed (advanced cases), you can require that a full build of ParaView instead of a minimal one using the -f flag. It will take longer to build.

  • run_build_paraview [-c <6|7>] [-f] hashOrTag
  • eg: ./ -c 7 v5.6.2
  • eg: ./ -f 83a6c73

The following release versions are supported:

  • v5.4.1
  • v5.5.0
  • v5.5.1
  • v5.5.2
  • v5.6.0
  • v5.6.1
  • v5.6.2
  • v5.7.0
  • v5.8.0

About nightly hash builds: only nightly release after the last release tag are supported. The last master superbuild will always be used and ParaView will be configured with the last version parameters.

The nightly hash is present in the name of the nightly release download : ParaView-5.8.0-222-gcadf748-MPI-Linux-Python3.7-64bit.tgz hash is cadf748. Once the script finished a new image named paraview and tagged hashOrTag should appear:

$ docker images
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
paraview            v5.6.2              4b7eafdec82c        2 hours ago         7.62GB
centos              7                   67fa590cfc1c        6 weeks ago         202MB

About CentOS 6

CentOS is the Linux distribution currently used to generate the official binaries of ParaView for Linux. However, there is a known bug in docker when using CentOS 6 because of spectre mitigation. It is possible to work around it by adding vsyscall=emulate to kernel parameters. Use at your own risk!

As alternative, we use CentOS 7 by default and configure it with a toolset compatible with the one used to build official ParaView binaries.

Building a plugin

To build a plugin, first make sure that the targeted version of ParaView has been built, then use the run_build_plugin script.

As parameters, use -d option to specify the path that contains the plugin sources, and specify the tag of the version of ParaView to build the plugin with. Note that if no plugin directory is provided, the script tries to build the file plugin.tgz in the script directory.

  • run_build_plugin -d /path/to/plugin/directory hashOrTag
  • eg: ./ -d /home/user/myPlugin v5.6.2
  • eg: ./ -d /home/user/myPlugin 83a6c73

If specific CMake options have to be passed during the configuration of the plugin, they can be specified in the plugin.cmake file.

About binary plugin compatibility

Once a plugin have been built for a specific release or nightly hash, it is assured to be compatible only with this specific release or nightly. However, in most cases, a binary plugin may load and work perfectly with all patch version of the release it has been built for. e.g.: a plugin built for v5.5.0 may be compatible with v5.5.1 and v5.5.2 as well.

This is true until it is not. It can be because a plugin dependency has seen itself updated in the new patch release or because an API has changed in a patch release. In this case, building the plugin for this new release will, of course, resolve the problem.

The same can be said for the last release and the nightly build. However, since the very reason to build a plugin for a nightly is to have access to new features ahead of time. If these new features, only available in the nightly, are used in the plugin, then it will, of course, be necessary to build the plugin for this nightly hash.


ParaViewPluginBuilder is distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-clause License. See License.txt for details. For additional licenses, refer to the ParaView License.