SirMordred is the tool used to coordinate the execution of the GrimoireLab platform, via a configuration file. Below you can find details about the different sections composing the configuration file.
- arthur (bool: False): Use arthur for collecting items from perceval
- arthur_url (str: None): URL for the arthur service
- password (str: None): Password for connection to Elasticsearch
- redis_url (str: None): URL for the redis service
- url (str: Elasticsearch URL (Required)
- user (str: None): User for connection to Elasticsearch
- autorefresh (bool: True): Execute the autorefresh of identities
- password (str: None): Password for connection to Elasticsearch
- url (str: Elasticsearch URL (Required)
- user (str: None): User for connection to Elasticsearch
- bulk_size (int: 1000): Number of items to write in Elasticsearch using bulk operations
- debug (bool: True): Debug mode (logging mainly) (Required)
- log_backup_count (int: 5): Number of rotate logs files to preserve
- log_handler (str: file): use rotate for rotating the logs automatically
- log_max_bytes (int: 104857600): Max number of bytes per log file
- logs_dir (str: logs): Directory with the logs of sirmordred (Required)
- min_update_delay (int: 60): Short delay between tasks (collect, enrich ...)
- scroll_size (int: 100): Number of items to read from Elasticsearch when scrolling
- short_name (str: Short name): Short name of the project (Required)
- update (bool: False): Execute the tasks in loop (Required)
- kibiter_default_index (str: git): Default index pattern for Kibiter
- kibiter_time_from (str: now-90d): Default time interval for Kibiter
- kibiter_url (str: None): Kibiter URL
- kibiter_version (str: None): Kibiter version
- collection (bool: True): Activate collection of items (Required)
- enrichment (bool: True): Activate enrichment of items (Required)
- identities (bool: True): Do the identities tasks (Required)
- panels (bool: True): Load panels, create alias and other tasks related (Required)
- report (bool: False): Generate the PDF report for a project (alpha)
- track_items (bool: False): Track specific items from a gerrit repository
- load_eclipse (bool: False): Load the projects from Eclipse
- projects_file (str: projects.json): Projects file path with repositories to be collected group by projects
- projects_url (str: None): Projects file URL
- config_file (str: report.cfg): Config file for the report (Required)
- data_dir (str: report_data): Directory in which to store the report data (Required)
- end_date (str: 2100-01-01): End date for the report (Required)
- filters (list: []): General filters to be applied to all queries
- interval (str: quarter): Interval for the report (Required)
- offset (str: None): Date offset to be applied to start and end
- start_date (str: 1970-01-01): Start date for the report (Required)
- affiliate (bool: True): Affiliate identities to organizations (Required)
- autogender (bool: False): Add gender to the profiles (executes autogender)
- autoprofile (list: ['customer', 'git', 'github']): Order in which to get the identities information for filling the profile (Required)
- bots_names (list: []): Name of the identities to be marked as bots
- database (str: sortinghat_db): Name of the Sortinghat database (Required)
- host (str: mariadb): Host with the Sortinghat database (Required)
- identities_api_token (str: None): API token for remote operation with GitHub and Gitlab
- identities_export_url (str: None): URL in which to export the identities in Sortinghat
- identities_file (list: []): File path with the identities to be loaded in Sortinghat
- identities_format (str: sortinghat): Format of the identities data to be loaded
- load_orgs (bool: False):
- matching (list: ['email']): Algorithm for matching identities in Sortinghat (Required)
- no_bots_names (list: []): Name of the identities to be unmarked as bots
- orgs_file (str: None): File path with the organizations to be loaded in Sortinghat
- password (str: ): Password to access the Sortinghat database (Required)
- reset_on_load (bool: False): Unmerge and remove affiliations for all identities on load
- sleep_for (int: 3600): Delay between task identities executions (Required)
- strict_mapping (bool: True): rigorous check of values in identities matching (i.e, well formed email addresses)
- unaffiliated_group (str: Unknown): Name of the organization for unaffiliated identities (Required)
- user (str: root): User to access the Sortinghat database (Required)
- project (str: TrackProject): Gerrit project to track (Required)
- raw_index_gerrit (str: ): Name of the gerrit raw index (Required)
- raw_index_git (str: ): Name of the git raw index (Required)
- upstream_raw_es_url (str: ): URL with the file with the gerrit reviews to track (Required)
In this section, a template of a backend section is shown. Further information about Perceval backends parameters are available at:
- Params details:
- Examples:
- collect (bool: True): enable/disable collection phase
- raw_index (str: None): Index name in which to store the raw items (Required)
- enriched_index (str: None): Index name in which to store the enriched items (Required)
- studies (list: []): List of studies to be executed
- backend-param-1: ..
- backend-param-2: ..
- backend-param-n: ..
In this section, a template of a study section is shown. A complete list of studies parameters is available at:
- study-param-1: ..
- study-param-2: ..
- study-param-n: ..