Releases: BlackTasty/SLC_LayoutEditor
Releases · BlackTasty/SLC_LayoutEditor
SLC Layout Editor v1.6.8.2
- Added: When loading layouts, you will now see a "Loading layout" screen to show something is happening. This is especially useful on larger layouts!
- Changed: Groups of kitchen and cockpit slots are now considered as accessible by the editor, as long as at least one of the slots in the group is adjacent to an aisle
- Changed: The issue lists for decks are now better visible
- Fixed: Changing slots with keybinds didn't trigger the check for unsaved changes
SLC Layout Editor v1.6.8.1
This version was originally released on 8th of July 2024, but I forgot to upload the version here too. Below are the patchnotes for this minor release.
- Added: While automating seat numeration, you can now toggle if the automation is only applied to your current selection
- Added: The seat numeration automation now allows you to reverse the order in which letters are applied
- Added: When automating seat numeration, you can now toggle if the editor should handle assigning letters automatically
- Added: When selecting multiple slots, you can now set the number (seats & doors) and letter (for seats) for all slots of them simultaneously
- Changed: Replaced ">>" with "»" in undo/redo entries
- Fixed: The letter input field for seat numeration automation shows the required number of letters now when the input field is empty
SLC Layout Editor v1.6.8
- Added: Selecting an aircraft now shows an overview of all layouts within
- Added: You can now specify the size of a deck when adding one
- Added: You can now auto-fix invalid door placements
- Added: New keybinds to create aircrafts (Ctrl + Shift + N), layouts (Ctrl + N) and templates (Ctrl + Alt + N)
- Added: There is now a "Return to layout/template overview" button in the title bar whenever a layout or template is currently open
- Added: After all this time there finally is an About section now! Can be accessed via "Editor" -> "About", or by pressing F1
- Added: A new seasonal theme has been added. Happy pride month!
- Updated: Added additional guide steps to explain the new layouts overview
- Updated: Replaced the icon for the editor
- Updated: Slighty reworked the way patchnote entries are formatted
- Changed: To better fit in with the other hotkeys, the keybinds for changing slots to doors (new: Alt + D), loading bays (new: Alt + L) and catering doors (new: Alt + C) have changed
- Changed: The keybind for changing slots to cockpit type has been changed to Alt + P
- Changed: In order to prevent issues with Windows, certain characters are now disallowed when creating or renaming any aircraft, layout or template. The disallowed characters are: / : * ? " < > |
- Changed: Moved the "What's new?" menu item from "Help" to "Editor"
- Changed: Moved the "Welcome screen" menu item from "Editor" to "Help"
- Changed: Increased opacity for error highlighting
- Changed: Moved the "Back to editor" button to the left and updated the appearance, in order to fit in with the "Return to layout overview" button style
- Changed: Dialogs now have a close button in the top right corner
- Changed: Both the changelog dialog as well as the dialog to manage baked template got their close buttons replaced with the new close button
- Changed: Log files are now limited to 2k lines
- Fixed: Certain layout validators are now able to be not required (e.g. layouts with only one deck do not require stairways), thus not showing up as an issue
- Fixed: When a layout or template had no decks when loaded, the editor detected unsaved changes on said layout/template
- Fixed: The selection highlight glitched out when applying any autofix, and a selected slot was affected
- Fixed: The aircraft dropdown showed "1 template" instead of "1 layout" when not in templating mode
- Fixed: Various smaller UI fixes
- Removed: Removed unused resources
SLC Layout Editor v1.6.7
- Added: Actions like removing slots from your selection are now also explained in the keybind cheatsheet window
- Added: Applying an autofix now also shows a notification containing information about the applied fix
- Added: Implemented two new tracked issues: "Catering door count" and "Door count"
- Added: There is now a separate notification after a successful save
- Updated: You can now select and configure slots across multiple decks!
- Updated: The keybind cheatsheet window has been cleaned up
- Updated: Replaced the "Save as" icon with a more fitting variant
- Fixed: The editor would crash when applying the door autofix, while having more than 9 doors present across your layout
- Fixed: Fixed a bug, where the state of the layout/template mode toggle would affect your current layout or template being copied to the clipboard
- Fixed: Using undo/redo didn't trigger the check for unsaved changes
- Disabled: Temporarily disabled the keybind to select all slots on the current deck
SLC Layout Editor v1.6.6.2
Minor update which includes fixes for the updater, other minor fixes as well as introducing a new dialog to add/remove templates shipped with the editor.
- Added: You can now manage pre-packaged templates either via "Editor" -> "Manage default templates" or via the settings
- Added: Two new default templates have been added ("B744 - Boeing 747-400" and "B748 - Boeing 747-8i")
- Changed: Added some more logging to the undo/redo system
- Changed: The undo and redo commands (Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Y) are now only available if no dialog or guide overlay is open or the current view is not the editor (e.g. settings)
- Fixed: Potential fix for a crash when undoing/redoing a step
- Fixed: Clicking the update button would most of the time not be registered
- Fixed: The update process was unable to proceed past downloading
- Fixed: "Rows" and "Columns" texts have been swapped
- Fixed: When undoing or redoing multiple steps, the editor no longer checks for issues for every step
SLC Layout Editor v1.6.6
- Re-enabled: The stairway autofix is working again!
- Added: You can now undo and redo actions while editing!
- Added: Holding down Shift while scrolling your mouse wheel over your layout will now horizontally scroll if possible
- Added: In case the editor crashes while a layout/template with unsaved changes was open, a snapshot is created which can be restored at next startup
- Fixed: There was a noticeable performance hit when changing a lot of slots at once
- Fixed: The "getting started" dialog now remembers when you click "No"
- Fixed: Fixed a minor alignment problem with the editor view, when the window was maximized
- Fixed: The text for duplicate seats didn't update properly
- Fixed: Issue trackers for doors and cockpits showed slots like seats as invalid positioned
- Fixed: In case where a layout had missing slots in a column, the editor would crash when loading this layout
- Fixed: When you have slots selected and open your settings or the welcome screen, returning to the editor would leave behind artifacts
SLC Layout Editor v1.6.5
This is primarily a performance update, but here are the most notable changes:
- Cabin deck rendering overhaul: The way cabin decks are rendered has been reworked from the ground up, resulting in faster loading times! This will be especially noticeable with larger layouts, as well as while editing layouts
- Keybind support: Hotkeys have been added to perform actions. For a full list of keybinds either press CTRL + K or go to "Help" -> "Show keybinds"
- A more stylized title bar: The default Windows title bar has been replaced with a more fitting style, which also means more space to display your layouts!
- New settings: The old option to open the folder of your saved layout has been replaced by three new settings:
- Opening the layout in your default editor,
- Copy the layout code to your clipboard
- as well as navigating to the SLC website in your default browser after saving
Unfortunately the auto-fix feature for stairways will be temporarily disabled due to issues requiring a rewrite of this part of the application, but it will be back ASAP!
As always happy layouting!