If you want to know details, please read KnightDocument.pdf(Only can open under Windows), KnightGrammar.ebnf, etc.
The whole Knight project, toolchain includes four parts:
- Knight : The Programming Language
- Trial : Knight's Compiler
- Steed : The Virtual Machine to run Knight programs(Knight Assembly)
- Duke : A toy System to show Knight program's behavior
If you want to have a great experience in reading and coding Knight or KnightAssembly programs, please install Knight extensions.They are in extension directory.
make -j8
make install
make uninstall
trial [-LUTA] knight_file
-L: Compile to lower-case KnightAssembly file (default)
-U: Compile to upper-case KnightAssembly file
-T: Scan the code, print tokens
-A: Parse the code, print abstract syntax tree
steed KnightAssembly_file
In the directory where you want duke to use the files , such as "test/duke/Env"
Knight is not an industry standard language, so it's done now. 2024 5