Disclaimer: This application is currently in Alpha (as of Oct 20, 2020) and is not ready for production. Please use at your own risk as things will change almost daily.
- The team is developing an interactive map that identifies potential instances of police use of force across the United States of America for Human Rights First, an independent advocacy and action organization.
- The application takes information provided by the data science team, collecting relevant incidents and data from Twitter, Reddit, and police agencies, and displays it on a map.
- A Fatality Tab gives more information about the victims of police brutality
- An Incidents Tab shows relevent social and media information relating to individual reports of police use of force
- The stats page has a few components using amCharts - the amCharts library is expansive and capable of showing highly organized layers of data.
1️⃣ Trello Board
- A navigation/header displaying the Map, the Incidents page, the Fatality page, or the Stats page.
- Map:
- Displays incidents on a country, state and city level
- A list of states will allow the user to quickly focus on a region
- Allows filtering by type of force
(not functional)
- Allows filtering by source
(not functional)
- Allows user to reset map filters
(not functional)
- Graph/Timeline:
- Displays the number of incidents for a given location
(not functional)
- Dropdown month ranges will allow the user to change the timeline
(not functional)
- Displays the number of incidents for a given location
- Incidents Page:
- Displays cards with social/news information for available incidents
- Pagination implemented at 24 records per page
- Fatalities Page:
- Renders a collection of cards with individual information about the victims of police brutality
- Pagination implemented at 24 record per page
- Pie Chart:
- The pie charts visualizes uses the Washington Post data to visualize the reported number of victims of police brutality.
- The data is broken down into age ranges - 18 and under, 18-25, and so on
- Bar Graph:
- The bar graph is again using the Washington Post data to display the total number of victims of police brutality by state.
- Below the graph is a scrollbar that can be dragged from either end to narrow to display range
- amCharts
- uikit
- react query (a hook
is set up with react query to get a large, complete data set from the backend)
- amCharts:
- amCharts is a data visualization library, responsiveness comes baked in, which is a great perk.
- The charts are instantiated inside a useLayoutEffect hook... this hook is pretty much a useEffect hook, except that it works synchronously, after DOM mutations
- The graphs, slices, lines, etc that appear in a chart are called a 'series.' They have a huge range of methods that control their styling, tag text, shading, positioning and more - check the docs they have a lot of examples of different kinds of cool series classes - the line series is an interesting one that could be used with the bar graph, for example
- Make sure that you add refs to charts, if they don't dispose of themselves correctly they break the charts around them
- Police Shooting Fatality
- Source: Washington Post
- Github: https://github.com/washingtonpost/data-police-shootings
- Licence: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
- Time: January 1st 2015 - Present
- Header
- Timeline Map
- Map
- Stats:
- Pie Chart
- Bar Graph
- Timeline
- Incidents:
- Incident Card
- Incidents Page
- Fatalities:
- Fatality Card
- Fatality Page
- Footer
Jean-Pierre Fraga
- Team Project Lead
Jessica Duell
- Back End Engineer
Terrence Malone
- Back End Engineer
Benjamin Witter
- Data Science Engineer
Johann Augustine
- Data Science Engineer
Antonio Martinez Baez
- Front End Engineer
Maryam Mosstoufi
- Front End Engineer
Ashley Bergsma
- Front End Engineer
Here are the things we wish we'd done, but alas, time flies when you're having fun... 🎉🎠
- A successful connection between the DS and backend and the frontend, the backend now has more endpoints that are just waiting to be used!
- User functionality (login, save, share, etc)
- login using twitter auth with passpor.js
- twitter share component is already built but we didnt end up using it
- Show more information and allow filtering in charts:
- In the bar graph, comparative data can be shown if another series is added to the chart. A reusable dropdown Hook could allow users to filter through the kind of data they want to see.
- In the pie chart more global data could be broken down (display different types of force, ethnicities, etc)
- Color code fatality and incident cards
- Further build out the timeline (i.e. the RadarTimeline) to contain state, city, and national data.
- Radar timelines data is already fromated, just need an endpoint to return exact format and it should work.
- Build out the Population Pyramid component - this amCharts chart is currently showing a comparison of the male-to-female population in the US.
- Connect map to backend
- Filtering to query for a more specific set of incidents on incidents & fatality pages
- Use users geolocation to show more relevant data
- we built a useGeolocation hook to pull in the location
- we built a useGeolocation hook to pull in the location