This project is all about the front end test creation portion of the Rocket Fuel Framework. If you are looking for the 'fuel' that powers all the functionality of the framework, you can find that here.
- What is the Rocket Fuel Framework?
- Getting Started
- Sounds Great! But How Do I Dive in?
- Lifting off (Getting your first run)
- Running Your Tests
- Automation Test Suite Structure and Modularity
- Features and Integrations
- Prerequisites
- Contributing
- Versioning
- License
- Acknowledgements
The Rocket Fuel Framework is a mostly Java-based automation framework that is designed to accelerate the creation of QA automation tests. It can be overwhelming to find an ideal structure for you and your team to build automated tests. Sure the page object model (POM) is a great start, and you will find familiar principles from that here, but what about all the areas that POM doesn't cover? Developing a test creation process for multiple different platforms, devices, and applications can be a daunting task, whether for a single person or project, or many. You may wonder, how do I maximize common features and flows across each platform under test? How do I minimize time spent on maintenance when tests inevitably change, and what's the best way to grow my test suite as my application grows? How much time do I have to spend adding in reporting, integration with Sauce Labs, and other features? What about when I get to an edge case like needing a code from an email, or setting up test cases using API calls, or verifying data using a database?
The Rocket Fuel Framework (RFF) is not a specific Appium or Selenium wrapper. It is also not simply a way to create and maintain tests. Nor is it only capable of making API and database calls, either to test those entities or to set up data for other tests. Instead, RFF is a rich toolbox that puts an emphasis on being versatile, easy to use, maintainable, and to allow for code reuse across different platforms while allowing you to focus on one single codebase.
RFF is meant to be your blueprint to establish an easy, repeatable, scalable and maintainable process that provides a set of tools to tackle whatever test you are trying to create. Many common problems such as grabbing a code from an email, setting up test cases using API calls, data verification using a database, and more have all been tackled numerous times before using this framework.
Further, RFF makes it easy for you to create automated tests for a single platform like iOS, and easily reuse code to test similar flows and features on other platforms like Android and Web, while not having to start from scratch. All the while allowing you to integrate with the other framework pieces. Need to sync your UI tests with calls to an API? No problem. Need to run your tests on Sauce Labs? Easy. Need to monitor network traffic? Done. Need to add some crazy feature that no one has thought of yet? The framework is easily extensible to add in whatever feature you need, and then can be used in conjunction with the other features of the framework.
We've taken all of our experiences working on dozens of automation projects, and distilled our learnings down into this framework, so that you don't have to solve the same problems we'd had to solve many times over. Use this framework as the culmination of community knowledge and efforts from a tribe of engineers across many disciplines as a springboard to go create your own magic.
Welcome to the Rocket Fuel Framework.
Woah, this is too many words, I just want to do cool stuff
This framework is built primarily using Java, and aims to provide a versatile, easy to use, maintainable, and reusable toolbox for writing QA automation tests. You can use this framework to write tests for both mobile and web applications, as well as making HTTP requests, sending shell commands, and more.
There is a well, defined structure for writing UI automation tests which has been the primary focus of this framework. Following the suggested approach will result in a maintainable and scalable test suite, that will allow for supporting multiple platforms and devices with minimal effort, while allowing for code reuse if the application is sufficiently similar across platforms. The framework itself is the engine, while the test creation process is the assembly line which puts the engine in the car and gets it running found here. This repo is an example of how the test creation process works. To make a new test, you can use this repo as a template, and start building your tests from there. If you want examples of full tests and the parts that go with them check out this. Starter code mimicking the examples can be found in the main part of this repo.
If you prefer the hands-on approach, you can clone the framework and go straight to the examples package for a full example of how to use the framework. There are default values set to get you started, but we encourage you to change them to fit your needs. Alternatively, you can continue reading this readme to get a better understanding of the framework and how to use it.
If there is a feature that you are interested in but are unsure of how to use or unable to find an example, please reach out to us, or dive into the codebase and see if you can find the answer there.
You should be able to change the version you are using in the project build.gradle
We are glad you asked! The best way to get started is to clone this repo and take a look at the example. There's no substitute for getting in the code and trying it out yourself. However, we also understand it can be daunting to jump into a codebase and not know where to start. So we've provided a few examples to get you started. If you want the quickest path to seeing something work end to end, opt for a web test first. It's the easiest to set up and run, and you can see the results in your browser without needing any of the Appium setup.
To get started we are going to go over to resource and update the properties files to use your values. The should be on web, so for this intro that's perfect. You'll then want to hop over to web_config to update the location you want your reports to go to. You can also update the browser you want to use in the file. You will need to have the corresponding driver for the browser you are using, assuming it is not included with the browser itself. You'll be able to find the driver easy enough online, just make sure it matches your environment OS. From there you should be able to run the tests in QuickTest. This should verify your environment is set correctly. Note some of the tests will 'fail' as they are meant to, but you should see the reports generated in the location you specified in the file. If your test launched a browser, and you saw some tests run, you are good to go! If not, feel free to reach out to us, and we can help you troubleshoot.
This is the 'heartbeat' sensor for the system to get a sanity check. Read on to create your first test!
As mentioned previously there are essentially two components to the RFF. The framework itself, and your 'front end', ie the project where you actually create your tests.
You will need a project to run the tests in, which is exactly why we give you this repo to get you started! The framework is a jar file of common features that can be used across multiple projects, while the test creation front end is a set of guidelines and examples to smooth the process of creating, scaling, and maintaining your tests. To change to a newer version of the framework, simply update the version in the build.gradle file and make sure that version exists where your code can get it. The easiest way to manage it is to put the jar in your local maven repository, but you can also put it in framework_snapshots.
Hopefully by now you've successfully run the QuickTest and are ready to dive into a test you create!
After you've run the QuickTest, you should have a good idea of how the framework works and how to run a test. There's a few parts to creating a test. Actions that can be performed on a page(think your page objects if you are familiar with the traditional page object model) which we call NavOps, locator strategies to find UI elements (Resource Locator), and the test layer.
You can find an example which shows practical use of the various components of the framework here. This test is a good example of how to use the RFF to create a test. We recommend to use the examples as a template to create a new test, so you can start to get familiar with the concepts and structure of the framework. Depending on your on programming familiarity, you may want to start more simply. For those who aren't as comfortable with Java or programming, we recommend starting with taking an existing example, and adding in a new method to one of the navOps classes. Feel free to borrow heavily from the existing code. After you've done that, try calling that method in the test layer. Practice by adding a few methods to navOps, using them in your test case, then adding an assertion. Run your new test case on the example project and see the results.
When you feel comfortable with that, it's time to create your own project and test your own application.
Up until now, we've been looking at examples and learning from things that have already been created. Hopefully you were able to add some of your own to it in order to get a feel for how the framework works. Now let's walk through creating your own test from end to end. If you are wanting to start with an appium test you'll need to adjust your files to work on mobile. You'll also need to follow the appium setup guide for Android and/or iOS. If you've been testing using Appium previously, you might already have this setup. If you are starting with a web test, you can continue on with the setup you've already done.
- You may want to make a template of this class in the future. There's a few common elements you may want to repeat.
- Name your test class something that makes sense for what you are testing. For example, if you are testing the login page, you might name your test class LoginTest. Try grouping your tests in packages that make sense and organized by features.
- What are you testing? What is the expected outcome? What are the steps to get there? How can I quantify the outcome?
- We recommend starting with login tests, as they are generally simple and can be used to test the basic functionality of your application.
- Name your test method something that makes sense for what you are testing. For example, if you are testing the login page, you might name your test method loginTest.
- In your test method, you will want to call the methods in your NavOps class to set up your test state, and then call your assertion to verify the outcome.
- There's many ways to go about the individual steps, but we'll share the way that has worked for us. You might have a different experience with a different IDE but the ideas should be the same. We recommend writing the navOps as if it exits. For example, your first step might be writing am.navOps.login.enterUsername("username"); even though it doesn't exist yet. Using refactor in IntelliJ, you can then create the method in the NavOps class.
- If you are using IntelliJ, you can right-click on the method name and select 'Refactor' -> 'Extract' -> 'Method'.
This will create a new method in the NavOps class with the name you selected. You can then fill in the method
with the code you want to run.
- If you are using another IDE, you can create the method manually in the NavOps class.
- To create your method we recommend setting a breakpoint and having your code run to the breakpoint. This will allow you to test the code you are writing in the evaluation window. If it works, you can break your code into a few navOps methods. If it doesn't work, you can make changes and try again.
- In your navOps methods you will want to use the driverWrapper to interact with the application. For example, if you are testing a login page, you might want to use the driverWrapper to enter a username and password, and then click the login button.
- am.driverWrapper contains all the methods you need to interact with the application. You can find the full list of
methods in the
- Assertions allow you to verify the outcome of your test. You can use the
classes to create your assertion. AssertionLibrary
contains the assertions to verify the outcome of your test. You can find the full list of assertions in theAssertionLibrary
class.- You can make your own assertions by creating a new method in the
class. You can then call this method in your test method. - New assertions should take in an
object, which contains all the data needed for the assertion. Based on the data given in the payload, you should mark the test pass/fail, log the appropriate info on the report, and take a screenshot if needed. You can take other actions as you see fit, but these are the minimum requirements.
- You can make your own assertions by creating a new method in the
- When using an assertion, you will want to pass in an
object with the data needed for the assertion. You can then call the assertion method on theAssertionLibrary
object and pass in theAssertionPayload
object. - This will look similar to
has several different constructors that you can use. You are also free to create your own constructors if you need to, or create an object and add to it.- We opted to use constructors in part to make it easier to create a fully initialized payload object in
short syntax.
- You are free to use the builder pattern for your
object if you prefer. This can make it easier to create the object, just be careful you are either setting the default values as needed or requiring them in the builder.
- You are free to use the builder pattern for your
- We opted to use constructors in part to make it easier to create a fully initialized payload object in
short syntax.
Hopefully at this point you have a good idea of how to create a test. If you are still unsure, we recommend looking at the getting started guide or ExerciseOneTestCase for a full example of how to create a test.
If you are ready to create your own project, you can with this repo. All the code under example is meant to show you how to use the framework. The rest of this project, is meant to be a template for you to create your own tests. You can set your config files in resources. The rest of the setup is a mirror of the example project. Tests go in the automationtests package, operations go in the operations package, and so on.
For our internal projects, we use this template, clone it, create a new empty git history, and then start building our tests from there.
Tests can be run directly from the IDE, or they can be run from the gradle wrapper. Running from the IDE is easier, while running from the gradle wrapper is more flexible and can be run from the command line or put on a schedule, or in a CI/CD pipeline.
If you are using IntelliJ, you can run your tests by either right-clicking on a package/file and selecting 'Run' or 'Debug' or by clicking on the green arrow next to the test class or method. If you are using another IDE, you can run the tests in a similar way.
Running the tests is simple. All tests should be kept in a package in the ‘test’ directory of the project so your file structure might look something like this:
Project package
│ SmokeTest1
│ SmokeTest2
│ SmokeTest3
│ OrderFlowTest1
│ OrderFlowTest2
│ UserProfileTest1
│ UserProfileTest2
In the above example there are 7 tests in total in the 'test' package, SmokeTest1, SmokeTest2, and SmokeTest3 are in the 'smokesuite' package, and there are 2 more test packages 'orderflow', and 'userprofile' that each contain 2 more tests. Splitting test groups into packages is a great way to group and organize your tests, and there is no limit to the number of packages that can be placed in your 'tests' directory. We can trigger all tests to execute by simply using the gradlewrapper command in the terminal to trigger everything in the 'test' package. So to run all 7 tests in the 'test' package we just need to open a terminal in the project directory and run the following command since even though there are sub packages, they are all in the main 'test' directory. ./gradlew test There are several ways to filter which tests you would like to run. If you just want to run all the tests in a single package then you simply need add the —tests parameter and the name of the package you want to run. For example OrderFlowTest1 and OrderFlowTest2 as well as any other tests that are in the 'orderflow' package can be executed by typing the following the command in the terminal. ./gradlew test —tests 'orderflow.*' There are several other ways to filter test runs including by individual test class and even by individual methods, there are also several other parameters that can be passed to your gradle run such as running in parallel and ignoring failures. More information on running gradle tests for JVM projects can be found [here]
As mentioned previously, this repository is meant to serve as a template for your test suite and demonstrates the best practices that have worked for our team. You are free to take this structure exactly as shown here, add your own NavigationOperations, ResourceLocators, and test data and be writing tests in no time. You are also free to change the structure to fit your needs. Note the language here is intentional, there's not an ExtentReports or Appium layer, it's the Report layer and the Framework Layer. This is because the framework is designed to be modular and flexible, to swap out ExtentReports and use another reporting tool, all you need to do is implement the reporting interface. The same goes for Appium, it can be swapped out as well. In fact, Selenium is already implemented in the framework, which is how you can reuse mobile code for your web tests. Our recommended structure is as follows and can be seen in the example package:
Configuration Layer
- In this layer, your configurations are read in, parsed, and passed into the framework.
- The
class holds all of your configurations and can be accessed in theam.config
object- If the value is a named value supported by the framework, you can access it
- There are also various supported values which can be retrieved from the framework without being setup as a
named value in the framework. These values are called UndefinedConfig
- UndefinedConfig can be set by giving a value in the config files a specific string preceding the value. The framework will then store your value using the rest of your string as a key. Supported prefixes are EXTRA_CAPABILITY, EXTRA_SYSTEM, SAUCE_CAPABILITY, SAUCE_OPTION, and SECRET_VAR.
- For example, if I want to set an extra capability for my test, I can set it in the config file as EXTRA_CAPABILITY_MY_VAR_NAME=myValue.
- You can find your variables in the
ArrayList object.
- If the value is a named value supported by the framework, you can access it
- The
class is used to store any data you need to run your test cases. Data can be entered in the class, or read in from a file, database, or other source. This data can be used to set up your test state, to verify data, or to clean up after your tests.- In
class you can set up different values for different environments or setup all your data for one environment. We recommend creating an instance ofTestDataManager
in a base class likeTestMain
and passing in the environment you want to use. You may consider setting the environment in your config files if you need to do so for a CI/CD setup.
- In
Test Layer
- This is where your test cases live. This is where you will set up your test state, execute your test case, and assert the results
- See the test layer section for more information
Behavior Layer
- This layer is where you will find the NavigationOperations and UserOperations classes. These classes are used to
interact with the application under test.
- NavigationOperations are used to navigate to different pages in the application, and UserOperations are used to preform general actions not specific to the application (like taking a screenshot, or getting the current time) or a collection of actions that are used across multiple pages. Login and add to cart are examples of UserOperations. We will likely have one test which has all the steps for something like log in, and then for other tests who's main focus is not logging in, we will call the login UserOperation to log in.
- See the Navigation Operations (NavOps) and User Operations (UserOps) sections for more information
- Can be accessed by am.navOps and am.userOps respectively
- This layer is where you will find the NavigationOperations and UserOperations classes. These classes are used to
interact with the application under test.
Reporting Layer
- This layer is responsible for reporting the results of your tests. Currently, ExtentReports is our preferred
reporting system,
but you can easily swap it out for another reporting system by implementing the
interface. - TestCoverageList - Often times it can be a pain digging through the full report to see exactly what tests run.
If you use
in your assertions, you will see an easy-to-read report each time you run your tests showing what tests were run. This is mainly a programmer helper tool, but you are free to use it as needed. - To actively log data to the report, you can use the
method. - If you use an assertion, the data will be logged to the report automatically.
- This layer is responsible for reporting the results of your tests. Currently, ExtentReports is our preferred
reporting system,
but you can easily swap it out for another reporting system by implementing the
Framework Layer
- This is the engine that makes this template go. For years, everytime we came across a new problem or a new way we
needed to test, we added a new feature to the framework, integrated a new library to solve it,
or created a new process to streamline development. Now, we hope you can benefit from this automation toolbox.
- See the Features and integrations section for more on features you can expect, and check out the framework repo for more on the framework
- DriverWrapper aims to provide a consistent interface to the automation methods that your setup is using. For example, if you are running Appium tests, driverWrapper provides all the methods from appium that you would normally use. For more information see the Driver Wrapper section
- Many of the concepts in this project are powered by the framework. Logging, exception handling, reading in data from various sources, running shell commands, reporting, handling configurations, managing locator strategies, running on sauce labs and more are all handled by the framework.
- This is the engine that makes this template go. For years, everytime we came across a new problem or a new way we
needed to test, we added a new feature to the framework, integrated a new library to solve it,
or created a new process to streamline development. Now, we hope you can benefit from this automation toolbox.
Given this project is meant to serve as a template, you are free to structure your project however you like. This is what we've found works well for us:
└───resources (User inputted configs)
└───automationtestinstance (Initialze and manage test state)
│ AutomationTestInitializer
│ AutomationTestManager
└───assertions (Making assertions and holding data for assertions)
│ AssertionLibrary
│ AssertionPayload
│ AssertionCategories
└───testingautomationtests (Help to make sure template and framework work as intended)
│ QuickTest
│ ResourceLocatorExamples
│ TestSauceLaunch
└───yourtestpackage (We )
│ DeviceAutomationComponents
│ ResourceLocator
│ TestDataManager
└───config (Set up data needed for your tests and the framework)
│ DeviceAutomationComponents
│ ResourceLocator
│ TestDataManager
└───domod (Data Object Model)
│ URLs
│ User
└───example (Example code for how your test suite could work)
│ AFullExampleProject
└───operations (Behaviors on pages and shortcut gropus of behaviors)
│ TestInitializerListener
│ UserOperations
│ PlatformUserOps
│ NavigationOperations
│ PageNavOps
│ PlatformSpecificNavOps
└───retryutils (Retry on failure logic)
│ RetryAnalyzer
└───testmain (Base layer for tests, feel free to add more layers)
│ TestMain
└───utilities (Generate random data)
│ UserUtilities
This layer uses navigation operations and user operations to set up the desired test state of the application so some an expected state can be asserted. To say this another way, this is the logic that says which operations should be preformed and in what order, so that we can set up, and then execute our test case.
A few rules we subscribe to:
- Most tests will follow this format
- First do any prep work you need. Calls to APIs, database, doing calculations, reading from a file all go here.
- Begin setting up your test state. Navigate to the page you need, enter the data, add stuff to cart, etc.
- Decide what you want to test and what a successful test means. You want something objective that you can measure.
- Preform your test case
- Get the data you need for your test and determine if it was successful
- Use the assertion you want and pass it an AssertionPayload with the data it needs for your test case
- Clean up
- Do what you reasonably can to revert your state back to how it was before the test
- driverWrapper should not be allowed to be used in test layer. Instead, you should be calling user and nav operations
- This promotes usability, scalability, and maintenance
- All assertions should be this layer not in the user/nav ops (aka page objects)
- This helps with separation of concerns, as tests are only worried about testing and user/nav ops are focused on behaviors. It also helps in transparency in what is tested. See Martin Fowler's take on the matter
- Think carefully about test scope and assertions
- We recommend each test method to be targeted to a specific feature or functionality.
- If you are writing a test for login, you should only be testing login, not login and then add to cart. This will help with test maintenance and debugging
- However, multiple assertions are fine, and encouraged. If you are testing a login, you might want to assert that
the user is logged in, and that the users name is displayed on the login screen. This is fine, as long as the
assertions are related to the same feature or functionality
- Not every test case needs an assertion. If you are logging in, it's reasonable to assume that the submit button is working.
- If it's something you want to make sure you call out explicitly, you can log it as info to the
am.reporter.logTest(Status.INFO, "Your Data");
or as a passed test caseam.reporter(Status.PASS, "Your passing test data");
- Of course, you can also use an assertion with the value of true in the payload, and it will report the same as other test cases. Note you might want to turn off the screenshot for this.
Connection to the automation methods that your setup is using. For example, if you are running Appium tests, driverWrapper provides all the methods from appium that you would normally use.
Having a wrapper allows us to perform actions between the testing suite and framework, allows us to maintain a consistent interface, and protect your test suite against changes in the underlying automation testing protocol you are using.
NavigationOperations You can think of NavOps as the series of actions and navigation (which we call behaviors) that can be performed on a specific page or component on your application. NavigationOperations (NavOps for short) allows you to organize your application into a Page Object Model (POM) style collection of objects. You can organize your pages by screen, functionality, or anything else you see fit, although organizing by screen is our preferred method. While POM is the current standard for managing behaviors, we have found that it can be limiting in terms of code reuse and scalability. Instead, we enhanced the POM model to allow for central greedy initialization of each navOps object (to remove the need to initialize each page object), more easily support multiple platforms simultaneously, and to better share common code across parts of the application.
Let’s look at an example to help explain this concept. Imagine that you have a store application with just a few pages.
The Landing page allows you login or navigate to Create Account Create Account page allows you to create account Inventory page allows you to view and interact with inventory
Some functionality may not be specific to any one page but instead is a small component tied to many screens. Traditionally, you might have made a footer page object, or a nav bar page object, but with the Rocket Fuel Framework, you have another option. As an example, let's say your application has a menu bar that appears on most screens or a common pop up window that can appear in various locations, the base NavigationOperations class might be the best place to hold that logic. We've found this helps cut down on a lot of boilerplate creating small component page objects can create. An example of the base NavigationOperations class can be found here
Any logic that is specific to a page should be kept with it's corresponding navOps for organization. For example, behaviors for the Login page, would live in LoginNavOps. Some behaviors in that class might be enterUsername, enterPassword, and submitLogin that will allow the test to log a user in. An example of a Login page can be found here
Notice in the NavigationOperations class that the Login and Inventory pages have member objects. This and the TestInitializerListener allow for the NavigationOperations to intialze all the page objects at once by calling each page object's init method. With this approach you only need to define your page object classes, add them to your NavigationOperations class and you’re done. When the AutomationTestManager, which holds your NavigationOperations object, is initialized, it initializes all your page objects and allows you to access them all from a single place.
So entering your username into the username field of the Login page might look something like this am.navOps.login.enterUsername(“username”);
Rocket Fuel Framework is designed to easily run your tests on multiple platforms and operating systems and enable code reuse between them. So if your test needs to interact with your device in a different way due to differences in platform you can simply extend your NavigationOperation class to be platform specific to Android, iOS, and Web. Examples of NavigationOperationsAndroid, NavigationOperationsIos, and NavigationOperationsWeb can be found here. With this approach you can override your login.enterUsername() method and use it exactly the same way in your test case, regardless of which platform is running. This allows for your test layer to be exactly the same whether you are making a test for iOS, Android or Web, so long as the business logic is sufficiently similar. For tests that have different business logic, there are various ways to handle that as well outside subclassing the related NavigationOperations class.
You can find the assertion payload here. The AssertionPayload's job is to hold all the data that is needed to make assertions in the test. This data includes, but is not limited to, if the test past or failed, the message to display on the report, if a screenshot should be taken, and an AssertionCategory/description. The AssertionCategory/description is optional and if set, will create a separate report for that shows an easy-to-read summary of what test was run each time you run tests in the framework.
AssertionPayload holds all the data needed for the assertion, but when you are ready to make the assertion, you will want to use the AssertionLibrary class. You can do that through am.assertion.generalAssertion or another assertion that you've created. Perhaps you want to flag a test as a warning, or you want to add your own custom assertion. You can do that by creating a new assertion in the AssertionLibrary class. Whatever assertion you use, you will pass in either a new AssertionPayload or one that's been loaded up with data earlier in the test, and the AssertionLibrary will take care of the rest. It will work out of the box, but if you want to customize it, you can do that as well. You can see a full example here
This is the home for various locator strategies for elements on a page. RLB is a bundle of resources that allow you to find what you need on screen. While, ResourceLocator holds RLBs for all of your elements across each page/component in your application. We prefer keeping them all in one file, to promote code reuse and make maintenance easier(all locators can be updated in one file), however you can keep them in your NavOps if you prefer. We prefer keeping all the RLBs together as it avoids duplication of locators across different pages, and allows them to be updated in one file. They can still be organized in the file, so you can easily find what you are looking for. However, you can keep them in your NavOps if you prefer. The idea behind our implementation of this concept is that we want to make it as easy as possible to capture the data you need to find your elements, while also totally separating the element onscreen from the object representing it in Java. This has the benefit of having an object in the system that lives outside its ability to find an element. For example, it can hold a locator for different platforms, meaning when I write my tests I use the same object no matter what platform. This also makes it easier to use more complex logic to find an element, have a hook for reporting, and more. We keep them all in the same file as elements tend to bleed across pages (footers, nav bars, call to actions, etc.), meaning one element can also be useful across different contexts.
RLBs, which take in locator strategies on multiple platforms, different locator strategies for the same element, or both. However, for multiple locator strategies for the same element/platform especially when complicated, we recommend using UIElementLocator instead. It's more complicated to set up but has a lot more features. RLB is faster for most cases and easier to use.
RLBs are primarily used to have one way to locate an element per platform, and for that data to be created in one line of code. The data is stored at runtime and then given the platform you are running on, the data related to that platform is retrieved. A few constructors are provided to you from the framework, however if you want a different combination of platforms, feel free to extend the ResourceLocatorBundle class yourself! Alternatively, you can just pass in a null value for the platforms you don't want to use, and the framework will ignore them.
Each time we came across a new problem or a new way we needed to test, we added a new feature to the framework, integrated a new library to solve it, or created a new process to streamline development. Now while you won't find our device rotating machine (we did actually create one, and no it's not exactly practical) in the framework, you will find a lot of other features that we have found to be useful in our automation projects.
Tools that have been used in the framework successfully:
- Selenium
- Appium
- TestNG
- JUnit
- Extent Reports
- Gradle Reports
- Sauce Labs
- MITM Proxy
- GitHub Actions (Your project can be setup to use GHA or others to run your tests on a schedule or on a PR merge)
- and more!
- Familiar POM like structure, but with unique benefits for code reuse and scalability
- Locator Strategies are easily set and changed in one place. Also, supports multiple strategies for the same element on one or more platforms
- Easily switch between different platforms and devices
- Run locally or on Sauce Labs, or add your own run target easily
- Modular, use only the pieces that you need, ignore the rest
- Easily make HTTP requests, receive requests and integrate with APIs
- Extensible, add your own features and integrations easily by extending or subclassing
- Configurable, set what features that you want to use, screenshots, logging, run target, devices, and more!
- Easily add in calls to APIs
- Connect to databases to verify data, setup data for tests, to clean up after tests, or to run tests that don't involve the UI
- Monitor network traffic. Easily see what calls are being made by your app, and verify that the correct calls are being made. Or get data from the network to use in your tests
- Easily add in shell commands to run on your system to integrate with other tools or to run commands in your test environment
- Read in data from properties files, database, excel, or add your own data source
- Select from multiple reports or add your own
- Customize what is logged, or turn off logging altogether
- MockServer (experimental), easily mock out calls to APIs to test edge cases or to test when the API is not available
- Wrapper protected: Selenium, Appium, and more are wrapped in a way that makes it easy to add in new features or to change behaviors. No more panicking because a feature is removed, or you need to alter the behavior of a method
While there will be efforts to maintain the accuracy of this list, the true feature list will always be in the code base itself. So if you are curious why not reach out? Or better yet dive in yourself and see!
- Java 15 or higher
- IntelliJ IDEA (recommended)
- Mac, Linux, or Windows (Mostly used on Mac but shouldn't be an issues on other systems)
- One or more of the following depending on what you are testing:
- Drivers (web)
- Appium (local mobile)
- Simulators
- Real devices
- Sauce Labs/other (remote execution)
- Gradle command line (optional)
- Github account and agree to the CLA (if you wish to contribute)
- A desire to learn and grow while also making your life easier and writing amazing automation tests
While we have run this framework on many different systems over the years, due to being a previously internal tool, there has been limited experience using it operating systems other than Mac. That's not to say it can't work, but there could potentially be issues that we haven't seen before. If you are using something other than Mac, please reach out to us if you run into any issues.
Outside of that, you will need Java on your system. Newer versions of Java are recommended, but the framework should work on anything 15 or higher.
We highly recommend you use IntelliJ IDEA as your IDE, as it is the IDE that we have used to develop the framework, and in our opinion it is an easy-to-use IDE with industry leading features. Of course, you are free to use any IDE that you are comfortable with. I will say however, I have challenged everyone I've gotten set up to use IntelliJ, and they have all come back to me saying they love it. I've never had anyone change back to their old IDE after trying it. /end unsolicited plug for IntelliJ
You will also need a way to run your tests. If you are testing web, you can run your tests locally and will just need to acquire the corresponding driver for the browser you are using, assuming it is not included with the browser itself. Due to the number of drivers, the number of systems to support, and the overhead of updating it, you will likely need to provide your own. Perhaps in time we will have the drivers set in gradle but for now, you will need to provide your own, or feel free to update the gradle and submit a PR to help others and yourself :).
If you are testing mobile, you won't get very far if you can't run your code on anything. If running locally, you will basically need to follow all the appium setup steps here to get your simulators or real devices set up, as well as appium and all of its requirements. We have done this plenty of times so again feel free to reach out if you get stuck. Most of it's straightforward but there are a few gotchas that we can help with. Of course there's also a large Appium community out there as well that might be able to help you quicker, so feel free to reach out there as well. IOS is particularly tricky and often requires a little bit of black magic to work properly. It's much easier to get running on a system like SauceLabs or a similar service, but that will require an account and are generally not free.
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests.
Your project using the framework can be versioned however you like, but the framework itself will be versioned with the following format:
- Major: Incremented when there are breaking changes
- Minor: Incremented when new features are added
- Patch: Incremented when bugs are fixed
These are not hard and fast rules, but we do our best. Generally major versions are rare and the only ones that are allowed to break backwards compatibility. Minor versions are more common and generally add new features or improve existing ones. Patch versions are the most common and are generally bug fixes or small improvements.
Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004
Too many to name, but we are forever grateful to all of those of contributed, reviewed, given ideas, provided inspiration, tested, troubleshooted, helped with never ending PRs, documented, and more.
Thank you, this would not have been possible without you!