This is a simple lighweight Simatic Edge App written in go which generates customizable streams of data suitable for local testing.
It will allow to chose some generator function for the desired signal behavior, i.e.:
- linearSignal
- constSignal (wip)
- sineSignal (wip) ..
Additional components can be added to the signal, i.e.:
- noiseComponent
- periodicFaultComponent (wip) ..
Output sinks can be selected for the different apps among the following:
- simpleJson
- dataService (wip)
- traceConnector (wip)
- freqAnalyzer (wip) ..
This project is still under construction. As a first step a simple connection and streaming of linear data to the broker will be possible as follows:
- 1 datapoint/sec
- simpleJson schema:
json { key: "", value: 0 }
- broker: ie-databus:1883
- topic: /signal-generator/simplejson
- user/password: simatic/simatic
PS: user, password and topic must exist on the databus in order to properly connect and publish the data
Can be launched as follows:
Upload docker-compose.yml through the industrial-edge-publisher
Find precompiled version of the app under
This can be directly imported inside your Industrial Edge Management