The "Attendance System Using FingerPrint" is a biometric attendance system that generates an Excel file of students' attendance records by using their fingerprints. This system provides several benefits:
Improved Security: Fingerprint sensors provide secure identification and can prevent unauthorized access, thereby reducing the risk of fraudulent activities such as friend punching.
Ease of Use: Fingerprint sensors are easy to use and do not require any specific training. Users can simply place their finger on the sensor to record their attendance or access a secure area.
Time-Saving: AMS using fingerprint sensors can save time and reduce administrative burdens associated with manual data entry and verification.
Cost Reduction: Biometric attendance systems based on fingerprint sensors can reduce the costs associated with managing lost or stolen access cards, badges, and passwords.
Increased Accuracy: Fingerprint sensors offer increased accuracy compared to traditional methods of access control. This can help avoid human errors such as incorrect password entry or the use of erroneous access cards.
This project can be used as a reference for anyone looking to implement a biometric attendance system using fingerprint sensors. The code includes the necessary functions to capture, store, and verify fingerprint data, as well as generate attendance reports in Excel format. The project can be customized and adapted to suit the specific needs of different organizations, schools, or businesses.
- NodeMCU
- R305 Fingerprint sensor
- I2C Module for 16x2 Alphanumeric LCD
- Breadboard
- Jumpers
- Download the code enroll.ino and open the serial monitor at a baud rate of 9600.
- You must enter a fingerprint ID. As this is your first fingerprint, type 1 in the upper left corner fingerprint, type 1 in the upper left corner, then click the Send button.
- Place your finger on the fingerprint to scan and at the same time follow the instructions on the serial monitor of the Arduino.