Port mod to 1.21(postponed until further notice)- remove mixin for dye able armor layers and items and replace with built-in methods
- Document functions and code to make it more understandable
- Bread Armor
- Takes damage every few seconds - water speeds up this process and lava completely destroys whatever it touches
- Each piece will keep your hunger from going below a certain point (+1 cumulative)
- Doped bread/armor set
- Reinforced bread armor, doesn't dissolve in water. stats comparable to diamond armor, high enchantability
- Bread Armor Doping
- Any piece of the set can be crafted with a potion to change its color and grant that effect to you while it's equipped
- Effect(s) are only applied with amplification I, further amplification increases the range your effect gets applied to fellow players
- Make doped armor effects only target players and non-hostile entities
- Any piece of the set can be crafted with a potion to change its color and grant that effect to you while it's equipped
- Bread Tools
- Slightly weaker than stone in durability and strength but has approx 1.5x more speed
- Pickaxe
- Shovel
- Hoe
- Axe
- Sword
- Reinforced Variants of tools
- Crafting/Smithing recipes for tools
- Balance Tool stats against wood/stone, diamond/netherite for reinforced
- Similar to netherite or diamond, faster than diamond but once again weaker in durability and strength
- Bread Block
- Mixin for turning burning blocks into another block
- Edible
- Custom charcoal block as a result of bread block being burned
- Portal block that leads into the bread dimension
- Bread Dimension
- A dimension composed of bread blocks
- Nonflammable
- Items inside the dimension will vanish from the players inventory when they leave, and come back when they reenter
- Dough Machine
- If the machine is broken during its operation, flour will be spread everywhere
- Flour/Dough
- Snow-like layer block (Very flammable)
- Figure out model and loot table datagen for this block (SnowLayerBlock), might have to just roll with manually written json files to start off with
- Refinement processes
- Textures
- Data driven recipe and serializer
- Create compat.
- Mixing recipe for flour to dough (might already work with the item tags)
- Compat with fluid tank-like containers in the bucket slot
- Snow-like layer block (Very flammable)
- Wheat Crusher
- Block model and textures (animated)
- Menu actually working
- Recipe type and serializer
- jei category and recipe
- gui size fix
- Redirect recipes with custom json names to the breadmod folder instead of the minecraft folder
- Sort recipe types into their own folders (ex. mixing, smithing, block compaction and decompaction)
- actually work on recipes
- Textures for tools, weapons, items, blocks
- Fix mixin refmaps not generating during mod build
- Recipe datagen
- Lang datagen
- Model datagen
- Crafting recipes for reinforced bread block (now smithing recipe)
- Happy Block Nuclear Inferno
- Bread slices
- Crafted from using a sword on bread in a crafting table (the sword uses durability)
- You get 8 bread slices per bread in the recipe
- Crafted using a cutting board from farmer's delight
- Crafted from using a sword on bread in a crafting table (the sword uses durability)
- Recipe Fixes with other mods
- Dough compat with create mod dough
- Charcoal block compat with mekanism charcoal block
- Pipes and cables that transport items, fluids, and power (important)
- Blockstates or similar connecting system for the model to connect to each-other
- https://www.mcjty.eu/docs/1.20/ep5#cable
- Fix up base mod generator (not the diesel one)
- Decoration blocks
- Pending ideas.
- Joke item: "the ultimate bread" just gives you creative mode lmao
- "Bread amulet" gives you 1 hunger point every 10 seconds
- Curios Compat.
- Different Tiers of bread amulet
- Standard (the one that already exists)
- Reinforced (has more durability)
- Indestructible (what it says on the tin)
- "Godlike loaf" a monstrous combination of rare materials and a nether star to give you 10 full minutes of positive potion effects and a whole 10 absorption hearts
- "Farmhouse structure" a random house with a farm attached to it with a random amount of bread or wheat in loot chests
- "Bread tools and weapons" tools and weapons have stats comparable to stone tools, can be upgraded to their Reinforced variant for a much stronger / longer lasting item\
- Recoil and rapid coil spin animation when tool gun is used
- timer-like system for the animations
- Improve gui overlay, add mouse and key icons
turn IToolGunMode into an api - Tool gun modes (creator, exploder, remover)
- fix up and polish existing modes
- tool gun displaying mode information and image accompanying said mode
- items inputted into machines from their sides are voided out of existence
- items not saving on world save/load
- Fluid texture on diesel machine needs to be normalized
- (major) tool gun stacking up/absorbing clicks when not equipped
- Tool gun beam is scuffed
- Certain slots in block entity screens not showing any items on client
- happy block explosion not actually exploding an area
- (production specific) Tool gun action not triggering
- BMExplosion causing crash
- Creative mode tab for advanced
- Diesel Generator
- Custom rendering (BER) / fluid rendering inside of model
- Particles
- logic
- upgrades
- Turbo
- Internal power buffer
- charger
- Bread Screen
- Lighting mod (colored lighting)
- "Intrusive" mods (such as, being able to heat up a furnace like w/ the bread machine)
- Add recipe integrations with other mods where possible
- Farmers Delight
- ProjectE
- Add EMC to items
- Potential Bread-like EMC holder
- Make texture for item
- Create
- Create recipe generators for the other recipe types
- Mekanism
- Crushing recipes for the food-like items
- JEI Integration
- Recipe Categories
- Figure out which of our machines don't have jei integration yet
- Custom recipe support
- Item infos
- Recipe auto-fill support
- Recipe Categories
- WAILA-like compat
- Jade
- The One Probe
- some other waila mod that I forgot