QuickFlip Memory Challenge is a simple and fun card-matching game that tests your memory. The game consists of flipped cards that a player turns over two at a time with the goal of finding a matching pair. The game continues until all pairs are found, and the objective is to achieve this in the fewest flips possible.
- Simple and Intuitive UI: Easy to navigate and play the game with a user-friendly interface.
- Score Tracking: Keeps track of the number of pairs each player has found.
- Turn Indication: Clearly indicates which player's turn it is.
- Help Section: Provides game rules and instructions.
- Dynamic Grid: Supports different grid sizes for various difficulties (currently set to 4x4).
- Start the game with all cards face down.
- Tap on two cards to flip them over.
- If the cards match, they remain flipped, and you score a point.
- If they don't match, they flip back over after a short delay.
- Keep playing until all cards have been matched.
- Try to match all pairs with the fewest flips to win.
- Built using Android Studio.
- Utilizes Fragments to manage different sections of the game.
- Implements RecyclerView for efficient card display and flipping logic.
- MVC architectural pattern for separation of concerns.
Clone this repository and import it into Android Studio.
git clone https://github.com/BrendanoElTaco/CSCI3660_Memory_Game.git
Build and run the project using the Gradle build tool.
Contributions are welcome! Please fork this repository and contribute back using pull requests.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.