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Boss Add (minion) Information

Brian Wuest edited this page Jun 28, 2020 · 2 revisions

This page contains the full property information for the "bossAddInfo" section of the spawn information file. A "bossAddInfo" object contains the following properties.

Please note that casing is important. If you miss capitalization on any of the properties they will not be loaded correctly.

  • domain (Required): This is the monster's registered domain. This is typically the mod_id. Examples: minecraft
  • name (Required): This is the monster's registered game name. This will not be the display name. Examples: zombie
  • displayName (Optional): This property contains the custom display name to show above the monster's head.
  • maxHealth (Optional): This property changes the monster's maximum health.
  • attackDamage (Optional): This property changes the monster's attack damage.
  • alwaysShowDisplayName (Optional): Determines if the nameplate for this monster is always shown.
  • timeToWaitBeforeSpawn (Optional): The number of ticks (NOT SECONDS) to wait before this monster is spawned. Defaults to 20 ticks (1 second) if not provided.
  • additionalDrops (Optional): This is an object array of "dropInfo" objects. These are additional drops which can be spawned with the monster when it dies in addition to the monster's normal loot pool. Please see the Drop Information page for details.
  • commandToRunAtSpawn (Optional): This property contains the minecraft command to run at spawn. This runs the command at the same permission level available to command blocks. So if a command block cannot run a command; neither can this spawn. Note: There can only ever be a single command run for a spawn. Commands cannot be chained.
  • minSpawns (Required): This property contains the minimum number of times this minion will spawn. The default for this field is zero.
  • maxSpawns (Required): This property contains the maximum number of times this minion will spawn. The default for this field is zero. Note: A random number of spawns are determined when a totem is used. The random amount can be any number >= minSpawns and <= maxSpawns.
  • timeBetweenSpawns (Optional): The total number of ticks to wait until trying to spawn the next minion. Default is 100 ticks (5 seconds).
  • spawnBeforeBoss (Optional): A true/false value determining if this minion (and all waves) will spawn before the boss does.
  • nextWaveOfAdds (Optional): a "bossAddInfo" object containing the next wave of minions to spawn once this minion is done spawning.
  • nbt (Optional): "Custom NBT data for this entity spawn. This will allow you to overwrite ANY data associated with this monster.
    "domain": "minecraft",
    "name": "zombie",
    "displayName": "Tuff Zombie!,
    "maxHealth": 100,
    "attackDamage": 50,
    "alwaysShowDisplayName": false,
    "timeToWaitBeforeSpawn": 200,
    "additionalDrops": [{}],
    "commandToRunAtSpawn": "/weather thunder",
    "minSpawns": 2,
    "maxSpawns": 10,
    "timeBetweenSpawns": 20,
    "spawnBeforeBoss": true,
    "nextWaveOfAdds": {},
    "nbt": {}
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