SatanBot is a discord bot written in typescript with discord.js.
This bot is designed to be used on one server per instance per discord program due to the database
- I wrote this for fun for a personal server.
- There are parts of this bot that I am decently happy with some not so much (I'm looking at you music and tierlist service)
- I figured I would open source it in case anyway would get some use out of it.
- This was designed with the intention of being deployed on a raspberry pi, for this project to run on a raspberry pi it NEEDS to be a pi 4 with the ARM v8 processor (This is needed for mongodb)
- It can also be run on a local machine easily as long as docker is installed
- If you are not using a raspberry pi or know how to setup, install docker and git you can skip to the Quick Start section
My raspberry pi is running ubuntu server NOT raspian.
I think raspbian can be used but when I initially started this project I remember a headache of some sort when attempting to install docker on raspbian. It probably can be done but I haven't given it much effort to offer advice. So, the following instructions might not apply. - Update system
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt upgrade
- Install docker-compose
sudo snap install docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
sudo reboot
Use git and docker-compose to install and run SatanBot.
git clone
cd SatanBot
mv example.env .env
vim .env
Edit the .env file and change the value of TOKEN to whatever your discord bot token is.
- This is the default env to connect to the mongodb container
- MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING=mongodb://root:satans-passwd@mongo:27017/satandb
docker-compose up -d
- Can be used to just play songs individually in a que style or can save playlists for later
- Two different commands
- Play
- Used to play songs in a que style
- This will either start playing the audio or add it to the end of the que if already playing
- If playing a playlist this command will stop it and start playing the new audio immediately
- Used to play songs in a que style
- Music
- Options
- Skip current song
- This will skip the next song in a que or playlist
- If it is the last song the bot will leave the voice channel
-m skip
- Stop playing music
- Bot will leave voice channel and delete que if needed
-m stop
- Bot will leave voice channel and delete que if needed
- Pause music
- Just pauses the currently playing audio
-m pause
- Just pauses the currently playing audio
- Unpause Music
- Just unpauses the audio
-m unpause
- Just unpauses the audio
- Create a playlist
Example:bash -m create -n myCoolPlaylist
- Add song to a playlist
Example:-m add -n myCoolPlaylist -v
- Play an already saved playlist
Example:-m play -n myCoolPlaylist
- Delete a playlist
Example:-m play -n myCoolPlaylist
- Skip current song
- Options
- Play
Displayed using ascii grids
- Example:
-t alpha -n Fries
- This Creates an alphabetical or 'classic' style tierlist with the name 'Fries'
- Adding to tierlist
- Must be done in the tierlist thread created by the bot
- Example:
-B Carls/Hardees -A Pen Station -F Burger King -A Mcdonalds -S Freddys -S Arbys
- Example:
-t num -n Fries
- This creates a numerical tierlist with the name 'Fries'
- Adding to the tierlist
- Must be done in the tierlist thread created by the bot
- Example:
-1 Arbys -2 Freddys -3 Mcdonalds -4 Steak N Shake -5 Pen Station
Ascii Art
- Allows you to save and repost commonly used ascii art for later
Example Commands:
- Posts the art saved under the name bigChungus
-a post -n bigChungus
- Saves the art specified after the -v flag as bigChungus in the databse
-a save -n bigChungus -v CHUNGUSART
- Deletes the art from the database under the name bigChungus
-a delete -n bigChungus
- Lists all the art saved in the database
-a list
- Flip a coin
- Roll a number
- Can specifiy a range for the number to be rolled
- Messages
- The following is saved to the database
- New Messages
- Edited Messages
- Deleted Messages
- The following is saved to the database
- Voice
- The following is saved to the database
- Entering a voice channel
- Leaving a voice channel
- The time spent in the voice channel
- The following is saved to the database
- Messages
Welcome Message
- Sends a welcome message to the person who joins the server
Help command below
Usage: SatanBot [options]
Currently all of the commands SatanBot can do
-a, --ascii <Action to preform> Need to specifiy a name with the -n flag and art with -v flag.
Example: '-a save -n chungus -v INSERT-ASCII-HERE'
(choices: "save", "delete", "post", "list")
-t, --tierlist <Tierlist Type> Need to specifiy a name with the -n flag.
Example '-t alpha -n Hotdogs'
(choices: "alpha", "num")
-n, --name <Name of Item>
-v, --value <Some value to be saved>
-p, --play <Url to youtube video>
Used to just que music w/o playlist
Example '--play'
-m, --music <action>
stop -(Stops music playing in channel)
play -(Start Playing a playlist with a name parameter)
unpause -(Unpause currntly paused music)
pause -(Pauses Currently Playing Music)
create - (Create a playlist witha name parameter)
delete - (Delete a playlist with a name parameter)
add - (Add music to a playlist with a name and value parameter)
skip - (skips the current song and starts playing the next in que or next in playlist)
(choices: "unpause", "stop", "skip", "pause", "play", "create", "delete", "add")
-r, --roll [69-420]
Can supply a low and high or no value to roll from 0-100
Example: '--roll 69-420'
(default: "default")
-f, --flip
Flips a coin
-h, --help display help for command
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
- Create stat plots service with julia using data from mongodb
- Find 403 bug in music service (I think it's from ytdl-core failing to retrieve the stream but I can't seem to catch it)
- Refactor music, command and tierlist service
- Allow for custom greetings saved to database
- Log users who are new, banned or left the server
- Ability to ban, see message or voicechannel logs by messaging bot