- WordPress downloader
- WordPress cleaner
- WordPress refresher
- WordPress fixer
- Clean install archive generator
# Download script with wget
wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BurakBoz/wp-clean/main/wp-clean.php -O wp-clean.php
# Download script with curl
curl -k https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BurakBoz/wp-clean/main/wp-clean.php -o wp-clean.php
# Download with wget and run with self destruct mode
wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BurakBoz/wp-clean/main/wp-clean.php -O wp-clean.php && php wp-clean.php delete
# Download with wget and run with self destruct and bypass warning mode
wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BurakBoz/wp-clean/main/wp-clean.php -O wp-clean.php && php wp-clean.php delete force
# Download with curl and run with self destruct mode
curl -k https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BurakBoz/wp-clean/main/wp-clean.php -o wp-clean.php && php wp-clean.php delete
# Download with curl and run with self destruct and bypass warning mode
curl -k https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BurakBoz/wp-clean/main/wp-clean.php -o wp-clean.php && php wp-clean.php delete force
# bypass warning message
php wp-clean.php force
# delete it self after finish
php wp-clean.php delete
# bypass warning and delete itself after finish
php wp-clean.php force delete
# bypass warning message
# delete it self after finish
# bypass warning and delete itself after finish
It deletes all default themes, plugins, translations files in latest.zip file by Default.
This means you have to upload your own themes, plugins if you are using for clean install.
Of course you can configure this by changing $deleteFolders list.
Please update latest version to your WordPress if you can or you can broke your system.
If you can't able to update your wordpress you can change your $downloadUrl value to your version.
It will clean / refresh your wordpress core files.
Usually hackers change original files or put web shells in wp-admin or wp-includes and also wp-content dirs.
You have to clean your wp-content folder and themes / plugins / uploads folders by your self!
wp-content folder .htaccess and wp-config.php file on current dir OR document root
wp-admin and wp-includes folder index.php, xmlrpc.php and wp-*.php files EXCEPT wp-config.php and .htaccess
It will create wp-config.php and .htaccess backups and restore backups after cleaning your installation.
So you have to check those files if you hacked or have any issue with your installation.
It won't create clean archive by default you can enable by setting $repack = true; You can use / distribute the clean archive.
It can delete itself after finished the task you can set it by changing $deleteAfterFinish = true;
If you are able to read code, please read before using it. Its only ~430 lines.