The MPT (Mobile Pentest Toolkit) is a must-have solution for your android penetration testing workflows. This tool allow you to automate security tasks and focus on security assessment without to know, where the tools are located and with parameters are required.
- Automation of your security checks
- Perform project based security assessments
- TMP provides a full set of required tools on any linux distribution
- local installation of required tools, you can easy extend missing tools
- installation of required APKs on your devices
- ADB is included
- Switch WI-FI proxy on your device (e.g. Burp Proxy)
- Show colored logcat output with special highlighting
- Install and run frida server on your device
- Dump application memory
- Analyse source code using several decompilers
- Backup and dump you application data from device. Even if backup is disabled.
- Disable SSL pinning
- Disable root detection
- Start security tools from one place
list of available tools:
- MobSF [ Mobile Security Framework (MobSF) ]
- RMS [ Runtime Mobile Security (RMS) ]
- objection [ Runtime Mobile Exploration Toolkit ]
- spotbugs [ Static code analysis for vulnerabilities and bugs ]
- jadx [ Dex to Java decompiler ]
- jd-gui [ Java Decompiler, dex2jar required ]
- luyten [ Java Decompiler Gui for Procyon ]
- sqlitestudio [ Multi-platform SQLite database manager ]
- pidcat [ excellent logcat color script ]
- pidcat-ex [ PID Cat (extended version) ]
- adus [ Bash script to dump, build and sign apk ]
- fridump [ Memory dumping tool uring frida ]
- adb [ Android Debug Bridge (adb) ]
- aapt [ Android Asset Packaging Tool ]
- abe [ Android backup extractor, android:allowBackup="true" required ]
- signapk [ sign an apk with the Android test certificate ]
- apktool [ A tool for reverse engineering Android apk files ]
- dex2jar [ Convert the Dalvik Executable (.dex) file to jar ]
- janus [ scans an APK and an Android device for CVE-2017–13156 ]
- linux-router [ Set Linux as router in one command. Able to provide Internet, or create WiFi hotspot ]
- scrcpy [ Application mirrors Android devices (video and audio) connected via USB ]
The mobile pentest toolkit (MPT) was presented on conference OWASP Bucharest AppSec 2018.
pipx install mptsec
# alternative way install from a public repository
pipx install git+ --include-deps
# Python (pip)
python3 -m pip install --user pipx
# Debian/Ubuntu/Kali
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python-pipx
# Fedora/Red Hat
sudo dnf install pipx
# Arch Linux/Black Arch
sudo pacman -S python-pipx
# openSUSE
sudo zypper install python-pipx
The pipx ensurepath command is used to ensure that the directory containing pipx's installed binaries is included in your system's PATH
environment variable.
pipx ensurepath
pip install mptsec
If pip install mptsec
fails, you can isolate the installation using a virtual environment (venv) to avoid system-level conflicts.
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install mptsec
pipx install git+ --include-deps --force
mpt --update
pipx uninstall mptsec
pip uninstall mptsec
You can set this alias to quickly and easily navigate to your project directory based on the configuration in the settings.json
file. Here’s how you can do it:
Run the following command to add the alias to your .bashrc
echo '\n# mpt alias\nalias pentest-dir="cd $(cat /home/$USER/.mpt/settings.json | grep pentest-dir | awk -F'\''\\"'\'' '\''{print $4}'\'') && ls -l"' >> ~/.bashrc
You can also add a new alias manually to your .bashrc
alias pentest-dir="cd $(cat /home/$USER/.mpt/settings.json | grep pentest-dir | awk -F'\"' '{print $4}') && ls -l"
After adding the alias, reload your .bashrc file to make it immediately available or open a new terminal window
source ~/.bashrc
cp -r mpt/mpt-zsh-plugin/ ~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/mpt
Enable MPT plugin in .zshrc
by adding the fooling line plugins=(mpt)
- Setup pentest environment and install required tools
mpt --install-tools
- Setup a new pentest project
mpt --setup <apk-file> <command> [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--update Update MPT to the latest version
Configure and manage current pentest
--setup [APK] Setup pentest environment
--config Show current pentest config
Run frida server and execute frida scripts
-f, --frida Run frida server on the device
-fs, --frida-select-version
Run frida server on the device (select frida version)
-s [package-name], --ssl-pinning [package-name]
Disable SSL Pinning (<package name> optional)
-r [package-name], --root-detection [package-name]
Disable Root Detection (<package name> optional)
Perform app related tasks
-l [all], --list-packages [all]
Show all installed packages (use option 'all' to display system apps)
-p [package-name], --pidcat [package-name]
Show colored logcat for a specific application (<package name> optional)
-st, --screenshot Take a screenshot from device screen
-sc, --screen-copy Mirrors Android device screen connected via USB to host (scrcpy)
-D, --fridump Dump application memory
-b [package-name], --backup [package-name]
Backup an android application (<package name> optional)
-d [decompiler], --decompile [decompiler]
Start java decompiler for source code analysis (<decompiler> optional): jadx(default), jd-gui, luyten
Install and run pentest tools on your host
-tl, --tool-list Show all supported tools
-t tool [tool ...], --tool tool [tool ...]
Run selected tool with <arguments> (use option 'list' to display all tools)
-i, --install-tools Install pentesting tools on local system in a separate environment
-a, --adb-run Start adb server with root to avoid a lot of issues using adb
Proxy and WiFi:
Manage proxy on device and WiFi settings locally
-ps, --proxy-status Check WiFi proxy status
-pe [host:port], --proxy-enable [host:port]
Set proxy for WiFi connection on your device (optional <host:port>), if not set loads proxy settings from configuration file
-pd, --proxy-disable Disable WiFi proxy
-ap, --access-point Create an Hotspot which connected to internet and can be used for Burp proxy