## get some genes from biosystems database of NCBI
dat <- read.table(system.file("extdata/biosystems_hs.txt", package = "OmicPath"));
genes <- sample(dat[,1], 200);
## select databases (GO) from the package
db <- db_names()[1];
## do GSA
out <- doGSEA(db=db, gene=genes, filter.num=2, fdr=T);
KEGG: Ras signaling pathway
KEGG: Ras signaling pathway: construct networks by the genes ("PAK2", "BAD", "RASGRF1", "RAP1A", "NRAS", "HRAS", "TIAM1", "RRAS2", "KRAS", "SHC3") and their neighborhoods. The networks contain genes with the neighborhood order = 1 and 2. The seed genes were colored in red.