released this
06 Jun 16:00
Added Down setting to Scaffold.
Added Real2D mode to ESP.
Replaced RotationStrafe in KillAura with mode selector and added Silent mode.
Added PotionEffect setting to Regen.
Added different options for what to do with empty bowls to AutoSoup.
Added new crash item to secondary creative inventory.
Added GommeSW mode to Teams.
Added Nuke and NukeDelay settings to Nuker.
Added Rotations setting to Nuker.
Added Priority settings to Nuker.
Added Swing mode to Crasher.
Added onStrafe, onSlowDown and onClickBlock events to ScriptAPI.
Added IgnoreVehicle setting to InventoryCleaner.
Added Hypixel mode to NoFall.
Completely new ScriptAPI. Developers should check out the Documentation.
Renamed Criticals Mode HypixelPacket to NcpPacket.
The server can no longer close the ClickGUI.
Improved .hide command.
Improved Zoot.
Re-worked GUICredits into GUIContributors.
Improved AutoReconnect feature. Delay can now be customized.
Improved performance of certain render code.
.xray command now supports block names instead of IDs.
Improved SameY setting of Scaffold.
Renamed and resorted Crasher modes and changed default mode.
Improved path finding of certain modules.
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in KillAura's facing check which sometimes prevent it from attacking.
Fixed notifications element sometimes glitching around the screen.
Fixed bug in command tab autocompletion.
Fixed visual glitch with TabGUI border.
ArrayList can now be placed exactly in the corner of the screen.
Fixed overlapping module names in ArrayList.
Fixed various vanilla crash exploits.
Fixed AAC velocity not setting motion values properly.
Fixed Blink showing fake player when using Pulse mode.
Fixed Regen/FastUse/Zoot sending unnecessary packets.
Fixed Nuker not destroying block below player last.
Fixed LiquidWalk NoJump not working on lily pads, slabs, etc.
Fixed KillAura facing check staying enabled even if rotations are disabled.
Fixed Step sometimes staying enabled after disabling.
Fixed issues with Teleport target position finding.
Fixed typo in AntiBot (InvailedGround -> InvalidGround).
Fixed .reload resetting keybinds.
Fixed module commands being no longer available after reloading client.
Fixed LiquidChat not displaying error when copying token before setting.
Fixed LiquidWalk Dolphin mode not working.
Fixed .scriptmanager reload not reloading ClickGUI.
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