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Meeting 27 Nov 2022

Youssef Ismail edited this page Nov 28, 2022 · 6 revisions

Attendance: Everyone

  • Kyle Wiskel | wiskel
    What did you do: ShoppingList mostly finished, added tests
    What will you do: Finish up shopping list population
    Anything blocking progress: Meal Plan

  • Youssef Ismail | yismail
    What did you do: Nothing.
    What will you do: Recipe Intent Testing,
    Anything blocking progress: Meal plan done

  • Yui (Juyi) Han | juyi
    What did you do: continued working on meal plan, disabled adding ingredients and recipes that are not in storage to meal plan, fixed some issues with deletion and Add/Edit fragment
    What will you do: fetch reference for recipe and ingredients for meal plan instead of creating a new one, make expandable list view
    Anything blocking progress: help me please with fetching reference

  • Phillip Kluge | kluge
    What did you do: Controller testing
    What will you do: Wrap up controller testing
    Anything blocking progress: testing on success listener

  • Zhiyuan Yu | zyu6
    What did you do: Storyboard / Shopping List testing
    What will you do: Wrap up shopping storyboard
    Anything blocking progress: N/A

  • Pushkar Sabharwal | psabharw
    What did you do: Storyboard workflows, updating
    What will you do: Wrap up storyboard work
    Anything blocking progress: N/A

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