A hopefully usable todoist extension for neovim
For integration with vim-clap (fuzzy finder) see below.
Find your API key here: https://todoist.com/prefs/integrations
For security reasons, it is recommended to use pass to store it:
$ pass insert Todoist/API
Enter password for Todoist/API: XXXXXXXXX
Export it in your ~/.config/environment.d/*.conf
export TODOIST_API_KEY="$(pass Todoist/API)"
Plug 'romgrk/todoist.nvim', { 'do': ':TodoistInstall' }
If you don't use vim-plug, run the TodoistInstall
command manually to complete the installation.
- neovim 0.4.0
- nodejs 10.0.0
npm install -g neovim@latest
(NOTE: needs to be at v4.9.0 at least!)
Make sure your nodejs provider works (:checkhealth
to confirm).
:Todoist [project_name]
(default: Inbox
. Creates project if it doesn't exist)
Keys | Effect |
x |
Toggle current task completion |
cc |
Change current task text |
cd |
Change current task date (date formats) |
p1 |
Make task Priority 1 |
p2 |
Make task Priority 2 |
p3 |
Make task Priority 3 |
p4 |
Make task Priority 4 |
DD |
Delete current task |
O |
Add new task before |
o |
Add new task after |
< |
Unindent |
> |
Indent |
r |
Refresh |
pcc |
Change current project color |
pcn |
Change current project name |
pdd |
Archive current project premium users only :/ |
pDD |
Delete current project |
Below are the default options:
let todoist = {
\ 'icons': {
\ 'unchecked': ' [ ] ',
\ 'checked': ' [x] ',
\ 'loading': ' […] ',
\ 'error': ' [!] ',
\ },
\ 'defaultProject': 'Inbox',
\ 'useMarkdownSyntax': v:true,
If you have a NerdFont installed, you can use the icons below, that will render like in the gif above.
let todoist = {
\ 'icons': {
\ 'unchecked': ' ',
\ 'checked': ' ',
\ 'loading': ' ',
\ 'error': ' ',
\ },
This plugin implements a vim-clap provider for selecting your projects.
Clap todoist