- Please ensure you have jdk16. Use Amazon Coretto for maximum compatibility.
- Please ensure you have JUnit Tests added to class path and junit.jupiter
- IntelliJ should install it on highlight in the Unit Tests.
- Please use JUnit 4.13.1 for maximum compatibility.
- To test the login operation, please use the provided users in the Data class under the data package.
- Or create a new account then log in with that email.
- Rohan Tinna ([email protected])
- Subhasis Chakraborti ([email protected])
- Lingyun Jiang ([email protected]) (Both johnnyjly and johnnyjly2)
- Wasee Alam ([email protected])
- Mohamed Al-Fahim ([email protected])
- Project Ideas
- Specification [See the phase0 folder]
- CRC Cards