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CSCI-442 Project 3: Parallel Zip


Please see the assignment on Canvas for dates.


  • You'll want to read this entire document before beginning the project. Please ask any questions you have on Piazza, but only if this README does not answer your question.
  • Do NOT open any of the projects in a windows operating system. This will change the line endings and causes strange errors. Always clone the project directly into docker.
  • Finally, this is a large project. Be sure to start early. If you wait until a few days before the due date, you are unlikely to finish in time.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand how to use multiple threads to finish a computational task faster.
  • Become familiar with running concurrent threads with POSIX-threads library (pthreads) and the basic usage of concurrent data structures among parallel threads.
  • Sharpen systems programming skills by working on a practical project.


For this project, you will implement a parallel zip (pzip) program, using the C programming language and POSIX-threads. The pzip will read an input text file, which is composed of lowercase letters (a-z) only. As an output it will produce a binary file indicating the consecutive uses of each character. The pzip operation needs to be done in parallel using pthreads library.


The figure above shows an overview of the inputs, outputs and your program will flow. You are expected to implement the middle portion indicated by pzip(inputs,outputs). Within this function, there are three major steps that you should follow to establish the parallel threads logic:

  1. Call pthread_create() to launch parallel threads: Once threads are created they will iterate through an equal and dedicated portion of input_chars, store the consecutive occurrence results locally, and also update a global char_frequency array that holds the total/global frequency of the occurrences of each character.
  2. Call pthread_barrier() to synchronize the pthreads, without destroying them: This barrier is required to make sure that each thread has finished locally counting their portions of characters. Threads need to synchronize because each thread needs to know how many zipped_char structs they have in their localResult arrays, so that they can calculate the exact index of zipped_char array that they need to copy their local results into.
  3. Call pthread_join() to finish the parallel execution and synchronize the pthreads again.

Please note that your code is expected ONLY to operate on the input and output data structures provided in the figure.


  • zipped_chars array holds consecutive occurrences, whereas
  • char_frequency array holds the total number of occurrences. A character may appear more than once in zipped_chars array, whereas
  • char_frequency is populated on-the-go as threads encounter each character.


After running make, you should have an executable program named pzip located in the root of your repository. The usage is as follows:

  • INPUT_FILE: The input file name which is contains only lowercase letters (a-z). The format is explained below.
  • OUTPUT_FILE: The output file name which will be the result of your program output. The format is explained below.
  • N_THREADS: The number of parallel threads that will be used during pzip.
  • [--debug]: Optional parameter to display the content of input/output variables. When this option is set, the output becomes a human readable text file. Otherwise, it is a binary file. We will test your program without this parameter.


  • The number of threads is assumed to be greater than or equal to one.
  • The number of characters in the input file is assumed to be a positive multiple of the number of threads.
  • Each thread is expected to process an equal portion of the input characters.
  • IMPORTANT: If the consecutive occurrence of a character spans two threads, you SHOULD NOT merge these two occurrences and SHOULD report them separately. For example, in the image above, the character s appears twice for the first thread and, again, the same letter appears three times in the portion processed by the second thread. In the final output, rather than counting s for 5 times, we have two counts of it, which are 2 and 3, respectively.
  • The number of the same character in a row will not exceed 255 (i.e., the maximum value of a uint8_t)

What is implemented for you?

  • main() function in main/pzip.c (DO NOT TOUCH THIS FILE)
  • Program parameter handling
  • Input file reading, parsing and coversion (i.e., mapping) to input_chars array
  • Output file formatting, writing and coversion (i.e., mapping) from zipped_chars array
  • Debug output

To ease your implementation and to make grading fairer, using the starter code is a requirement of this project. You are NOT ALLOWED to make any modification to the main/pzip.c file. You may add new structs or functions to the main/pzip.h file. However, you SHOULD NOT change/delete/modify existing functions/variables/headers/structs in main/pzip.h file.

What are you expected to do?

  • START FROM HERE: Implement body of the pzip() function in src/pzip.c
  • In the same file, also create a callback pthread function that will be called by pthread_create() within pzip() function.
  • By the end of pzip() function, properly populate output pointers to zipped_chars, zipped_chars_count and char_frequency. Please note that the memory for these arrays and variables will be allocated and freed for you by main().
  • Implement other functions and global/local variables as you need.

Input File Format

The input file is already parsed into an input_chars array for you and the total number of chars in this file is provided to you in the input_chars_size variable. The input file is simply a text file that contains nothing but the 26 lower case letters (i.e., a-z). There are no white spaces, line breaks, return characters or other characters. While you don't need to parse the input file, you need to know the format so that you can prepare your own test inputs. Example input:

  • Input file content: aaeeoooooeee
  • int input_chars_size = 12;
  • char* input = {'a','a','e','e','o','o','o','o','o','e','e','e'};

You should generate inputs of any size of NUM by using the following script in your repository root:

./ NUM > test_input


DO NOT GENERATE FILES MANUALLY USING A TEXT EDITOR The input files are only lower case letters with nothing else. The use of text editors may accidentally inject a newline into your input file. Please use the provided python script or run the command below to clean your files of any newlines.

cat FILENAME | tr -d '\n' \> NEWFILENAME

Output Format

There are two output formats used by the program. Both of these formats are generated by the starter code using the zipped_chars array.

  1. Binary Output (Default)

If the --debug option is not provided, the output of pzip is a binary file. This file is automatically generated using zipped_chars array and zipped_chars_count variable, which indicates the size of the array.

  1. Text Output (--debug mode)

If the --debug option is provided in the program arguments, the contents of the zipped_chars array will be written as human readable text file. Each line of the output file will consist of a charracter and the number of consecutive occurences of that character.


Example 1

  • Input file content: aaeeoooooeee
  • Code snippet:
int input_chars_size = 12;
char* input = {'a','a','e','e','o','o','o','o','o','e','e','e'};
int n_threads = 2;
struct zipped_char *zipped_chars = {{'a',2},{'e','2'},{'o',2},{'o',3},{'e',3}};
  • Binary output file (in hexa-decimal): 61 02 65 02 6f 02 6f 03 65 03
  • Text (--debug) output file (in plain text, new lines are ommitted): a 2 e 2 o 2 o 3 e 3

Example 2

  • Input file content: aaeeoooooeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaadddddddddssssssslssssssyyyyyywwwwww
  • Code snippet:
int input_chars_size = 64;
char* input = {`a`,`a`,`e`,`e`,`o`,`o`,`o`,`o`,`o`,`e`,`e`,`e`,`e`,`e`, `e`,`e`,`e`,`e`,`e`,`a`,`a`,`a`,`a`,`a`,`a`,`a`,`a`,`a`,`a`,`d`,`d`,`d`, `d`,`d`,`d`,`d`,`d`,`d`,`s`,`s`,`s`,`s`,`s`,`s`,`s`,`l`,`s`,`s`,`s`,`s`, `s`,`s`,`y`,`y`,`y`,`y`,`y`,`y`,`w`,`w`,`w`,`w`,`w`,`w`};
int n_threads = 4;
struct zipped_char* zipped_chars = {{'a',2},{'e','2'},{'o',5},{'e',7},{'e',3},{'a',10},{'d',3},{'d',6},{'s',7},{'l',1},{'s',2},{'s',4},{'y',6},{'w',6}};
  • Binary output file (in hexa-decimal): 61 02 65 02 6f 05 65 07 65 03 61 0a 64 03 64 06 73 07 6c 01 73 02 73 04 79 06 77 06

  • Text (--debug) output file (in plain text, new lines are ommitted): a 2 e 2 o 5 e 7 e 3 a 10 d 3 d 6 s 7 l 1 s 2 s 4 y 6 w 6

Example 3

  • Input file content: aaaaaaaaaaaa
  • Code snippet:
int input_chars_size = 12;
char* input = {'a','a','a','a','a','a','a','a','a','a','a','a'};
int n_threads = 4;
struct zipped_char* zipped_chars = {{'a',3},{'a','3'},{'a',3},{'a',3}};
  • Binary output file (in hexa-decimal): 61 03 61 03 61 03 61 03
  • Text (--debug) output file (in plain text, new lines are ommitted): a 3 a 3 a 3 a 3


Note that the zipped output file is not fully compressed. In example 1, the zipped chars could have been determined as {{'a',2},{'e','2'},{'o',5},{'e',3}};. However, for the sake of simplicity for the project, we do not ask parallel threads to talk to each other and merge their output. You are not asked to implement this functionality, and your program may not pass our automated tests if you implement this optimization.

Evaluation and Grading


We will be grading your code based on:

  • Functionality and accuracy:

    Your program should produce the output as explained above. Please note that, due to the simplifications we have made, the output may change depending on the number of threads being used, if character sequences span thread boundaries, as in the example given in the figure. Your submitted code should have the same mains/pzip.c file as in the starter code.

  • Parallelism and performance:

    Most of pzip, including input/output and reading/writing, will operate in parallel. Your program should operate as shown in the Figure above. You should NOT do the counting of characters serially. Serial creation and joining of threads is OK.

  • General requirements:

    Your program should follow the non-project-specific general requirements indicated below.


You will NOT receive performance points if your code is not correct. Slow, but correct programs are always more valuable than fast, incorrect programs, and this is reflected in the grading of this project. But also keep in mind that the autograder has a 5 minute timeout as none of the test cases should take longer than that to complete (even input-huge).

Additionally, we will be using diff to verify correctness. This means you will not get partial credit on a within-test basis (i.e., you will either pass, or fail, each individual test. There is no in-between)

Lastly, if your program crashes during execution, it will be considered "incorrect", regardless of whether it produces the correct output file. Due to this it is VITAL that all memory issues are taken care of as these can cause code to crash. It is possible to have memory issues even when you don't call malloc especially in this project where memory is being divided up for the threads!

Performance Measurement

  • To test whether your program properly AND efficiently use threads, we will run your program with large test files (e.g. test/input_large). We will use the following formula to evaluate the 'parallel efficiency', i.e., $\text{PE}$, of your code:

    $$\text{PE} = \frac{\text{CPU Time (User)} + \text{CPU Time (System)}}{\text{Wall time} \cdot \text{Number of threads}}$$

  • In a perfectly parallel program, $\text{PE}$ should be equal to $1.0$, however this is never possible. Actual parallel efficiency will be less than $1.0$. To measure the $\text{PE}$ of your program via the script we provided, you may execute the following command:

./ ./pzip /tmp/CSCI-442--DO-NOT-DELETE/input_huge ./out 8

Performance Criteria

  • On Isengard, our ideal solution for the parameters in the above command runs under 1 second ($\text{Wall time} < 1$) with a $\text{PE}$ greater than $0.75$.

  • Your program is expected to run the command above on Isengard under 1.5 seconds ($\text{Wall time} < 1.5$) with a ($\text{PE} > 0.5$).


  • Please note that these values are valid only for the input file referenced above (/tmp/CSCI-442--DO-NOT-DELETE/input_huge) and with N_THREADS=8 on Isengard.
  • Your first run may be slower due to internal page caching. Within the grading script, your code will be run three times and only the fastest one will be used for grading.
  • Note: If you have a $\text{Wall time} < 0.25$, then your PE does not need to meet the requirement of $> 0.5$.
  • If your code fails to meet the performance criteria above, you will get a partial grade, depending on how fast and efficient your code is.


  • Reminder: you will receive NO performance points if your program does not produce the correct output or crashes.
  • The top three fastest and correct submissions will be given +3, +2 and +1 extra points, respectively.

Testing Input Huge

To validate if your output for input_huge is correct, we provide the hash of the correct input_huge output below. output_huge_8t.expected solution hash:


You can check the hash of your output via the command below


Where FILENAME is the name of your output file.

If your hash does not match up, then there is an error in your code. Do make sure to run it multiple to make sure your code is not outputing the correct solution only some of the time. Memory issues are able to make your code output the correct output on some runs but incorrect output on other runs.

Development Workflow

The performance criteria given above is based on the execution on However, due to limited capacity of Isengard, we suggest you establish the following workflow:

  • As with prior projects, do the initial development on your local Docker image.
  • Once you complete the initial functionality, push your changes to github.
  • Pull your repo on isengard and test for performance.
  • Either use vim/emacs on Isengard or push/pull on your local Docker image to fix problems and continue development.

We STRONGLY discourage you connecting VS Code to Isengard via the ssh plugin. VS Code runs linters and syntax checks on Isengard, which in turn puts heavy pressure on Isengard. We had severe performance problems in the past, especially in the last two days of submissions. Therefore do as much development as you can locally. We won't be able to help you if you leave Isengard testing to the last days and if Isengard becomes too crowded.

Submission Information

Submission of your project will be handled via Gradescope.

  1. Create the submission file using the provided make-submission script:
  1. This will create a .zip file named $USER-submission (e.g., for me, this would be named

  2. Submit this .zip file to Gradescope. You will get a confirmation email if you did this correctly.


You are REQUIRED to use make-submission to form the .zip file. Failure to do so may cause your program to not compile on Gradescope.

General Requirements

  • You are REQUIRED to use Isengard to develop and test this project.
  • You should handle errors gracefully. All system calls can fail: if this occurs print a relavent and descriptive error to stderr (not stdout) and exit. Your program should have a non-zero exit status if any errors are encountered. (Make sure to add 'n's to those errors too!)
  • Your program should have a zero exit status if no errors are encountered.
  • Your project must be written in the C programming language, and execute on Isengard.
  • You should follow Linux Kernel coding style, a common style guide for open-source C projects.
  • Your project must not execute external programs or use network resources.
  • Your project should be memory safe. For example, if your program is susceptible to buffer-overflow based on certain inputs, it is not memory safe. As a corollary to this, you should not use any of the following functions: strcat, strcpy, or sprintf.
  • You should free any memory that you heap-allocate, and close (or closedir) any files that you open.
  • To compile your code, the grader should be able to cd into the root directory of your repository and run make using the provided Makefile.


You will be using some or all of the following pthread library calls:

  • pthread_create
  • pthread_join
  • pthread_mutex_init
  • pthread_barrier_init
  • pthread_mutex_lock
  • pthread_mutex_unlock
  • pthread_barrier_wait

Please refer to and for tutorials on how to use pthreads.

Reference Executables

Provided for you are three reference executable files:

  • pzip_instructor_isengard: A working version of the project that scored 100% in the autograder. You may use it to help understand the behavior of a working project as well as double check any of your outputs. It is included in this template repository and can be run with:


    Things to keep in mind about the reference executable:

    • It was developed on Isengard and is only guaranteed to work on Isengard.
    • This solution is not the ideal solution. If you are running it on the input_huge, out of three runs, it will have a $\text{Wall time} < 1.5$ and a $\text{PE} > 0.75$, which is expected of your submission as well.
    • It is an instructor version and you may not execute it from within your own code. You will recieve a zero if you do!
  • pzip_instructor_arm and pzip_instructor_x86: These binaries are the solutions compiled for the docker images you are working on. You may use these binaries to make sure that your code is functionally working probably. Please do not use docker binaries for performance evaluation, since the performance of your development machine will vary. Use Isengard binary on Isengard to compare your performance to the solution.


1: Use the VS Code workspace

If you're using VS Code (which we recommend), you can open the project-3.code-workspace file and click the Open Workspace button. This will open the project in a new window with the recommended settings. We've also included a debug configuration, allowing you to debug your program - all you need to do is go to the debug tab and click the green play button.

Collaboration Policy

This is an individual project. All code you submit should be written by yourself. You should not share your code with others.

Please see the syllabus for the full collaboration policy.


Plagarism will be punished harshly!

Please do keep any Git repos private, even after you finish this course. This will keep the project fun for future students!

Access to Isengard

Remote access to Isengard is quite similar to ALAMODE, but the hostname is

For example, to ssh into the machine with your campus MultiPass login, use this command:

Note: you need to be on the campus network or VPN for this to work. If you are working from home, use either the VPN or hop thru first.


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