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Frequently asked questions

The contributing guide outlines the basic steps of starting contributing to Docs CSC through pull requests. This page highlights in more detail common questions and pitfalls you may encounter during the process.

How to include my new page in the navigation panel?

If you add a new page that you want to appear in the left-hand-side navigation panel, you need to edit the mkdocs.yml file in the root of the repository. Items appearing in the navigation panel are listed in this file as key/value pairs under the nav: key, for example:

  - Home:
  - Accounts:
    - accounts/
    - Creating a new user account: accounts/
    - Changing your password: accounts/

To include your page in the navigation, add a new key/value pair corresponding to a title followed by the path to your file, for example - My title: path/to/ Make sure that you include these under the correct section, i.e. mind the indentation. Also, don't refer to the same page twice in mkdocs.yml as this will break things (an exception to this are the SectionPages).

If you intend to make substantial changes to the navigation menu, please communicate this for example in the RC-channel and/or as big changes may break some links used elsewhere.


The first item under 'Accounts' above is a so-called SectionPage. It is a hybrid of Section and Page introduced by a plugin we use called mkdocs-section-index that makes the sections in the navigation sidebar clickable. Every section should have a SectionPage that acts as the index for the section. The breadcrumbs navigation on the top of every page relies on the existence of a SectionPage. Without it, a level of navigation will be missing its breadcrumb. (See Breadcrumbs debugging.) SectionPage for a section is defined in mkdocs.yml:

    - Section:                         # Section
      - path/to/                # SectionPage
      - Page: path/to/  # Page

If an existing page is selected as the SectionPage for a section like so,

    - Section:
      - path/to/
      - Page: path/to/

the page in question will be opened and highlighted when clicking on the section name in the sidebar.

How to add an image?

  • Add the image you want to include to the /docs/img/ directory.
    • If the image is really large, publish it in Allas in the docs-files bucket: a-publish my-image.png -b docs-files (write access with project 2001659)
  • Include the image in your page using the markdown syntax ![This is alt-text for screen readers](/path/to/docs/img/my-image.png 'This is mouse-over text')
  • Note the importance of alt-text and mouse-over (title) text! These are required to make the content accessible for all.
  • Alt-txt should not be too long (8+ words). If the alt-text cannot explain the information contained in the image, mention that the text below contains it.
  • You can use the same text in alt-text and mouse-over text
  • Images should be of high contrast and large enough font within them.

How to embed an external video?

  • You need to use the <iframe> HTML element, for example, <iframe width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" srcdoc="" title="Adding and removing project members" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  • Note, a style URL is required to appropriately embed the video, the normal URL will not work. You can right-click the video in YouTube to copy the normal URL, then just add /embed/. It's also possible to right-click the video to copy the embed code directly, but it needs to be edited a bit before it can be used, see below.
    • Remove any remaining search parameters present in the URL. In the example above, if the embed URL was formed by editing, the first parameter would be the video ID as the key=value pair v=PrgMFna3DKw and prefixed with a "?". Any remaining search parameters would be prefixed with a "&" and should be removed. For example would need to be trimmed down to before replacing watch?v= with embed/.
    • Edit width and height to match the example above.
    • Use the title to describe the content of the video.
    • Use of srcdoc is also required instead of plain src to avoid cookies if consent has not been granted.

How to add links?

Links are added using the markdown syntax [This is my link text](link url or path). Whether to use a URL or path depends on if your link is internal, i.e. it points to another page within Docs CSC, or external. For internal links use relative paths, for example:

  • Link pointing to file in same directory: [Gromacs documentation](
  • Link pointing to a certain section (anchor) in a page: [Gromacs usage](
  • Link pointing to a file in another directory: [Contact Service Desk](../support/, where the double dot ../ syntax means going up one level in the directory tree relative to the current directory. Then the path is followed to support and the contact page
  • For internal links you need to include the file extension .md in the target
  • Don't make internal links using a URL, Use URLs only in links pointing to an external target.
  • Always add a descriptive link text to make the content accessible. Plain URLs without link text are not acceptable! Screen readers will read it as h-t-t-p-s-colon-slash-slash...
    • [Read more here]( is not accessible. [Read more about Gromacs usage]( is better.
    • If, for some rare reason, writing a descriptive link text is not possible, you can use html and aria-label: <a href="" aria-label="This is readable by screen readers">Visual Studio Code</a>. This label is read by the screen readers but is not visible to others.
  • For external links, make sure to include a target attribute with the value "_blank" to open them in a new tab: [example]({ target="_blank" }

Common issues:

  • Incorrect number of double dots, i.e. going up too many or too few parent directories: [Service Desk](../../support/ vs. [Service Desk](../support/
  • Including / between page and anchor
    • Correct: [Gromacs usage](
    • Incorrect: [Gromacs usage](

My PR did not pass the tests, what to do?

Tests are run to check, for example, that your pull request complies with the CSC Docs style guide and that there are no broken links. If any such errors are found in your commits, the tests will not pass and you need to figure out what went wrong:

  1. Find out which tests did not pass under the notification Some checks were not successful in the Review-dialogue (marked with a red x and text Failing after X - Build Failed).

  2. To the right of the failed test, click Details, which opens the Checks tab.

  3. Under the Build Failed section, click the link at The build failed to open the Travis CI page with logged details on the build.

  4. Scan through the Job log for any text marked in red. These are errors that the test found, and the reason for them is written before the red text.

  5. An example error is shown below. Here, the test script was run to see whether any links were broken. The test found two broken section links and it tells you in which files and on which lines the errors are.

    $ python3 tests/python_link_tests/
    The section link in file docs/apps/ on line 33 is broken
    The section link in file docs/apps/ on line 81 is broken
    No broken file links found
    No hidden files found
    The command "python3 tests/python_link_tests/" exited with 1.
  6. Fix the errors, commit and push the revised files to the same branch and the tests should now pass.

How can I preview my edits?

You can preview how the Docs CSC page would look like with your changes included in two main ways:

Using the preview feature for active branches hosted on Rahti

  • A full preview for ongoing work is available for all branches:
  • Select your branch from the list to get a preview of your version of Docs CSC
  • Note, currently absolute internal links formatted as e.g. /support/accessibility/ don't work in the preview, but they will work on

Locally using the MkDocs tool

This user guide uses MkDocs to generate documentation pages. MkDocs comes with it's own preview server for a quick local preview of your edits. You can install the requirements for running Docs CSC locally (all of the following commands are to be run while in the root directory of the cloned repository) with Pip or Conda (recommended).


If you have at least Python 3.8 (at the time of writing) installed (see other option, Conda, below if not), you can create a new virtual environment with

python -m venv docs-env

activate it with

source docs-env/bin/activate

(on Windows, use docs-env\Scripts\activate.bat or docs-env\Scripts\activate.ps1) and upgrade Pip with

pip install --upgrade pip

Then, to install the requirements for Docs CSC, run the command

pip install -r requirements.txt


Detailed instructions for installing Conda on Windows are found here, but the gist of it, regardless of the operating system used, is to install Miniconda, use it to create a virtual environment to install the requirements in. So, with Miniconda installed, an environment to run MkDocs in can be created by running the command

conda env create -f development/conda-docs-base-latest.yaml

Add a --force flag if you already have a Conda environment named docs-env (you got CondaValueError: prefix already exists: [...]) and want to overwrite it. The environment is now ready for installing the requirements.

conda run -n docs-env pip install -r requirements.txt

If you want to reinstall the dependencies, add a --force-reinstall flag to the Pip command.

Activate the new environment with

conda activate docs-env

Preview server

You can start a preview web server with the command

mkdocs serve

This will start a web server on your computer listening on port 8000. Go to the url or http://localhost:8000/ with your browser to get a preview of the documentation. Note, that

  • some parts of the website will not be properly formatted in a local build, for example the What's new section, as there are some scripts that are automatically run only when the commits are pushed.
  • to speed up the reloading of a page you've changed, you can start the MkDocs server with the --dirtyreload flag. (Mind the warning about "a 'dirty' build being performed" that will "likely lead to inaccurate navigation and other links [...]".):
mkdocs serve --dirtyreload


You can also run the tests locally with

bash tests/

The tests depend on the Conda environment, so remember to activate it before running them, or use conda run -n docs-env bash tests/


If you're adding entries to the What's new or Applications sections and want to check that they, and the glossary page (only the page at /glossary is affected by these scripts), are generated correctly, you can run the scripts with

for s in scripts/generate_*.sh; do bash $s; done

Keep in mind, though, that the tests are meant to be run before the scripts, so make sure to restore any files the scripts edit/create before re-running the tests. (Or just ignore the new errors/warnings that resulted from running the scripts.)

Also, remember not to commit the files generated by the scripts!

Breadcrumbs debugging

A debugging view for the breadcrumbs navigation can be activated with an environment variable DEBUG set to true:

DEBUG=true mkdocs serve

A debugging view will then be rendered right under the breadcrumbs on every page.

For pages included in the nav structure, a breadcrumb is only rendered for ancestor sections where is_page=true. These are the so-called SectionPages. The debugging view lists all of the page's ancestor sections:

debugging pages with ancestors

Pages that are not in the nav, such as pages under FAQ and Tutorials, have their breadcrumbs defined literally in breadcrumbs.html. On these pages, the debugging view lists the literal breadcrumbs:

debugging the literal breadcrumbs

How and who should I ask to review my PR?

  1. Ask someone (one or two persons) who knows the content of the work you have committed to review your pull request. This is done in your pull request view using the right-hand-side panel, under Reviewers. The panel will suggest a few names for you based on, for example, who has edited the same pages recently. To view more reviewer options, click the cogwheel in the upper right corner of the Reviewers panel. If you're still unsure who to pick, you can always drop a message in the Rocket Chat channel Always request someone to review your PR, otherwise there's a high chance that it will just linger around.
  2. To help the reviewer to get started with going through your PR, you should leave a comment in the PR with a link to the preview page with your additions/changes (edit /your-branch/path/to/page/ as needed). Any other comments are of course also helpful for the reviewer to understand what you have done.
  3. Once the reviewer has gone through your PR, they will request changes or approve the PR. Once approved, someone with merge permissions will merge your PR to the master branch. If the changes you have made are urgent, you can always ping the Rocket Chat channel to expedite the merging of your PR.

I was asked to review a PR, what should I do?

  1. Read any comments left by the requestor. If you understand the content of the PR and have time, you're up for the task. Otherwise, communicate to the requestor that you're unable to review the PR so that they can request someone else.
  2. Ensure that all tests have passed. If the tests are failing, notify the requestor. See also above.
  3. Check which files have been modified under tab Files changed. The panel shows the diff, i.e. which lines have been deleted and which have been added. Focus on these changes, but also look that the content looks good and is correct overall. Are there typos, is the text clear and concise, is the content accessible (see Style Guide)?
  4. Go to the Rahti preview page of the branch and check that the formatting of the page looks good. If the requestor has not left the preview link as a comment, select the branch from list. The name of the branch can be seen in the PR under the title (e.g. username wants to merge N commits into master from name-of-branch). It's important that you view the page in the preview because the preview feature of GitHub does not show all formatting correctly, e.g. indentation of bullet-point lists. Check that links work. Note that absolute internal links will not work in the preview, but work on
  5. If there are small errors, for example typos, you can correct these directly in the PR: In the Files changed tab go the file you want to correct, select Edit file (behind the three dots in the top right corner). Commit the corrections to the same branch so that they get added to the PR!
  6. If there are substantial revisions that should be made, click the green Review changes button in the top right corner and select Request changes. You can also leave general feedback without explicit approval. It's a good idea to suggest changes so that they appear as a diff in the conversation tab, see here.
  7. Once all corrections have been made, approve the changes (also behind the Review changes button). Someone with merge privileges will merge the PR into master.

When reviewing a PR, how to leave comments/suggest changes so that they appear as a diff in the conversation tab?

It's good practice to leave comments/suggest changes to a PR so that they appear as a diff in the conversation tab. To do this,

  1. In the Files changed tab, go to the line you want to edit and click the blue + sign.
  2. In the pop-up, write you're comment, or if you wan't to suggest changes, click the stacked +- icon in the top bar.
  3. Write between the tics (including the word "suggestion") what you want to appear in the page.
  4. If you want to remove a line, delete the content (leave the tics and the word suggestion)
  5. If you want to edit multiple lines, click and drag the + sign to select all lines.
  6. Once done, click Add single comment.

If you want to add changes suggested by a reviewer, go to the files changed tab, find the suggestions you want to add to your pull request and -if you have multiple suggestions to add - choose add suggestion to batch. Once you added all suggestions to the batch, you can find a commit suggestions button with the number of changes that will be committed under each added suggestion or in the top right of the files changed page. Once you click that, you can provide a commit message and commit all changes at once to your branch.

How do I add an entry to the "What's new" section

A good way to highlight a new update is to add an entry to the What's new -section. Follow these steps:

  1. Do not edit the landing page or files. Instead go to docs/support/wn/ and edit the file which applies best for your update
    • = New installed software or updated version
    • = Updates to the computing environment, e.g. SLURM updates, new/deprecated libraries, web interface..
    • = New/updated tutorials or training materials published
    • If these categories do not match your update, you can add a new file with similar structure as the above ones. It is also a good idea to consult RC channel first.
  2. At the top of the file, add a new level 2 heading (##) for your update including a descriptive title followed by the current date.
    • For example, ## SoftwareX v1.2.3 installed on Puhti, 31.3.2022
  3. Under this heading, describe the update with a few sentences. Include links to appropriate pages elsewhere in docs, as well as external links to e.g. release notes/changelog if applicable. If you need to add an image, you can put it in docs/img/whats-new/.
  4. Commit your changes and when the PR gets merged a script will automatically add your updates to the docs landing page.

Which Markdown features/extensions are available?

Have a look at the reference card.

How do I add definitions to the glossary / display definitions as tooltips?

There are .md files that contain acronym-definition pairs in csc-overrides/assets/snippets/glossaries/. The pairs are in the format *[Acronym]: Definition. The Acronym part is case-sensitive, so if you'd add the definition *[PCIe]: Peripheral Component Interconnect express, instances of PCIE in the text would not get the tooltip (in this case the definition is correct, so text would have to be corrected). If the acronym you wish to define already exists, please use the following format to add an additional definition: *[DFT]: 1. Discrete Fourier Transform, 2. Density Functional Theory. New acronym-definition pairs may be added to an existing file, or a new file may be created within the same directory. The new file must then be introduced in mkdocs.yml. An example is found in the reference card.

The glossary is also viewable as a page at

How do I use the announcement bar?

The content inside the yellow announcement bar at the top of the page is controlled by editing the file csc-overrides/partials/announcement.html. The bar's visibility, in turn, is controlled by changing the value true|false of extra: announcement_visible in mkdocs.yml. At the moment, the only content confirmed to work are HTML <p> and <a>.

How do I add a license tag to an application page?

The license tag is added inside a YAML front matter. The first lines in the Markdown file should be the front matter. Please note the enclosing dashes. A template for the front matter is

  - <license>

where <license> is one of the predefined license categories: Academic, Free, Non-commercial or Other; case sensitive, without the angle brackets.

The application will then be included on the Applications by license page automatically.

How do I tag an application as available under a web interface?

As with adding a license tag, an application can be tagged as available in a particular web interface. The application will then be listed under that web interface on the Applications by availability page. The tags for web interfaces that an application is available on are added under the system key in the front matter.

  - www-<system1>
  - www-<system2>

where <system1> or <system2> is one of the systems where a web interface is available, for example (prefixed with www-) mahti or puhti.

As a temporary workaround, to prevent an application getting listed under a system for merely mentioning the system, edit the skip_system.txt file.




where <system1> and <system2> are as above.

How do I add footnotes?

Usage of the footnotes feature is described here.

How do I improve search results?

You can boost a page to be on top of the results by adding the following lines at the top of the Markdown file:

  boost: 2

# Document title

Start with low values.
More information here