Re-Implementation of the Shallow Water Solver LANL/CLAMR using Kokkos, Cabana, and Cajita.
- Properly functions using
- Serial
- OpenMP
- Cuda
- Serial + MPI
- OpenMP + MPI
- Cuda + MPI
- Able to write to Silo files using PMPIO (Tested on Mac in Serial, OpenMP, Serial + MPI, OpenMP + MPI)
- Can Visualize results using VisIt
- Fix Cuda MPI issue in use of Cajita Halo gather (currently functioning with a work around using CudaUVM and a custom halo exchange). It might be an issue with how ExaCLAMR is using the Cajita gather?
- Get Silo to build on Wheeler and Xena and get it working with the CudaUVM case
- Template the mesh and problem manager classes for regular grids, AMR grids
- Investigate using Cabana AoSoA
- Add particle physics
ExaCLAKMR is built and installed using cmake, and relies on variety of packages and libraries:
- Kokkos - Programming system for accelerated and threaded architectures
- Cabana/Cajita - Framework for regular mesh and particle oprogramming in Kokkos
- Silo - Parallel I/O library for reading in restarts and writing output for visualization using VisIt or Paraview
- HeFFTE - GPU-accelerated high-speed fast fourier transform library (Note: not needed by ExaCLAMR but we'll want it for the z-model implementation)
Generally, the easiest way to build ExaCLAMR is to use Spack to either install and load the prerequisites or to create a dedicated environment for building and running AppName. The spack specification (etc/spack.yaml) is included to create a spack environment in which the build and run AppName. Note, however //that there are important caveats at the top of this file you'll ened to pay attention to to use it//. In particular, to use it to build a CUDA environment you'll need to patch your cabana/ spec and set teh cuda architecture kokkos uses. Alternatively, you can just remove the cuda specifiers from the spack.yaml file.
To create a spack environment for compiling and running ExaCLAMR in a build directory:
prompt> mkdir build; cd build
prompt> spack env create -d . /path/to/ExaCLAMR/etc/spack.yaml
prompt> spack env activate .
prompt> spack concretize
prompt> spack install
Once all ExaCLAMR dependencies are installed either manually or via a Spack environment, use cmake to build it from the chosen build directory:
cmake /path/to/ExaCLAMR
git clone
bash scripts/ -a
mkdir -p data
mkdir -p data/raw
module load cmake-3.15.4-gcc-8.3.0-rmxifnl
module load openmpi-3.1.4-gcc-8.3.0-w3pkrvv
module load gcc-8.3.0-gcc-4.8.5-wwpinbr
module load hypre-2.14.0-gcc-7.3.0-openmpi-mkl-zndhsgh
mpirun -np 2 --display-map --map-by ppr:1:node --bind-to none -machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE -x PATH -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./build/examples/DamBreak
mpirun -np 2 --display-map --map-by ppr:1:node --bind-to none -machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE -x PATH -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./build/examples/DamBreak -mopenmp
- Note: You have to build on a compute node with a GPU
git clone
bash scripts/ -a
mkdir -p data
mkdir -p data/raw
sbatch scripts/